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Thread: Grinding Gears on 2013 T5 DSG

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Quote Originally Posted by LogicprObe View Post
    Just further on the DMF............although mine is a manual.........the rattling was random on mine and it was only AFTER it started rattling on idle (now and then) was it diagnosed as the DMF.
    I hope you get a lot of miles out of it anyhow!
    I am still running my original DMF as it was rooted at around 80000km and the van now has 306000 km , I did not even know what a DMF was until after I replaced the clutch kit . Mine got buggered up while attempting to reverse up a hill after around 3 attempts I gave up and from that day it shuddered when reversing up any reasonable slope . When I did replace the clutch plate and throw out bearing at around 210000 km I wasn,t aware of the DMF so its still in there to this day , I just get cautious about where I drive into and usually reverse into a place on a slope so I can drive out forwards .

  2. #12
    Ok. So I learneded another new thing today, and that is that DSGs also have a DMF. Grinding Gears on 2013 T5 DSG

    So, from this can I assume my 06 Golf DSG also has one??

    Manual Amarok in general have commonly had issues with DMFs since their introduction but mainly from vehicles that are 'used' for what they were designed for. Grinding Gears on 2013 T5 DSG

    I have heard that it is possible to purchase solid flywheels for Rok's but those 'in the know' say the drivetrain will self destruct over time as a result.
    Grinding Gears on 2013 T5 DSG

    Auto Rok's have torque converters (conventional automatic) and don't run DSGs therefore no DMF. Grinding Gears on 2013 T5 DSG

    "You don't know what you don't know"

    Cheers dave

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Yes its shame that old style technology seems lees prone to being fragile , the amount of abuse I used to do to the auto in my old Valiant VF wagon back in the 70's would have destroyed a modern one easily .

  4. #14
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    thank you for the little vid with your grinding gears, we have a 2010 4motion DSG, the noise you had sounds eerily similar to one we have had ever since we bought the van, (2nd hand). Our noise is impossible to predict and hard to imitate with ones voice....this is why the VW customer service people look at me weirdly when I ask them about it. We can go for weeks and not hear it then get it twice in a day. We have stopped worrying about it but I would love to get rid of it.
    Did VW tell you that the "system" had "lots of gearbox updates"?
    What does an ECU reset entail?

  5. #15
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    I gotta say.........the DMF really does it's's a pity they don't last longer.
    Mine lasted nearly 300k before it was undriveable. vibration and the clutch operation feels much, much better than even I remember it as new!
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

  6. #16
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    So more that a 2 weeks since they updated the software and it has not happened once. guess its fixed.......

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Quote Originally Posted by LogicprObe View Post
    I gotta say.........the DMF really does it's's a pity they don't last longer.
    Mine lasted nearly 300k before it was undriveable. vibration and the clutch operation feels much, much better than even I remember it as new!
    So did clutches in the old days before DMF's no where near as fragile as todays ones are , and took all the abuse as you could dish out and they still kept going right up until the clutch plate was down to the rivets .

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    So did clutches in the old days before DMF's no where near as fragile as todays ones are , and took all the abuse as you could dish out and they still kept going right up until the clutch plate was down to the rivets .
    Very true.
    In my T4, the thrust bearing gave out @ about 360k, I think it was.
    I reckon I might have got half a million out of that clutch otherwise!
    (that was after VW said the plate was past the 50% mark on a warranty gearbox change)
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Thrust bearing was the only reason I changed my clutch kit at the time made sense to do that whilst the box was out . What fascinated me was the bearing was pretty much housed in a plastic housing not what I would have expected for apart which cops all of the abuse when the clutch is dumped .

  10. #20
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    You're supposed to be driving a good citizen!
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

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