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Thread: Grinding Gears on 2013 T5 DSG

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Perth, WA
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    Grinding Gears on 2013 T5 DSG

    Hi I have a 2013 T5 Multivan with a 7sp BSG Box. I have just brought this from a dealer in Perth (not VW). The vehicle made a really nasty grinding sound after about 150km's from driving off the forecourt and now seems to do it at least once or twice a journey. It lasts a fraction of a second and seems to do it in D5. I have of course taken it back - they tried a box oil change and service but the issue is still there - I dropped it off again yesterday. Given the horror stories I have seen it has me worried. The Dealer is obliged to fix it under the Lemon Law but has anyone else experienced this - I hope there is no temporary fix leaving me with a bill a few months down the road - VW dealership were less than useless they diagnosed a fan belt/Pully - offered to repair it for 880AU$ - It is 100% the Gearbox. Could it be the Mechatronics? The van 85,000km's on the clock ..............

  2. #2
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    Here is a video of the noise (Right at the end)

  3. #3
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    That sounds like the dual mass flywheel to me.
    That noise will become more consistently random over time.
    Mind you, it may take another 5 - 10K to really manifest itself.........or not.
    How many kms on that machine?

    edit - they'll do anything to try to get out of fixing that.
    It's a $3500 job.
    Last edited by LogicprObe; 13-06-2017 at 07:15 PM.
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by LogicprObe View Post
    That sounds like the dual mass flywheel to me.
    That noise will become more consistently random over time.
    Mind you, it may take another 5 - 10K to really manifest itself.........or not.
    How many kms on that machine?

    edit - they'll do anything to try to get out of fixing that.
    It's a $3500 job.
    He said 85,000km at the end of his post.

  5. #5
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    Sure did.............thanks.
    I was too busy wondering if I should attempt changing my timing belt myself!
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

  6. #6
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    Logicpr0be Thanks for that - It is with the dealer now - I will definitely make sure I document Every Km until fixed - if the fault is still present I will take it back. By law they have to repair the fault with the vehicle - the Lemon Warranty is considered on hold until the original fault is rectified. I have emailed them the footage and have had acknowledgement from them that there is an issue. Since the footage has recorded the mileage I would think that's enough to keep them from wrangling out of fixing it - If it is the DMF there will be no temporary fix. To be fair to the dealer they have been great so far and it really is so random they probably never heard it. WA Law is 3 months or 5000km we have had it about 2 weeks and have done about 1200km.

  7. #7
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    Here's hoping for a good result.
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

  8. #8
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    Okay - heres what happened - the dealer I brought it from took it to an independent VW specialist V Dub in Freemantle- Kurt the manager said that the ECU needed resetting and the Gearbox needed to be updated with a software fix for this known issue. He said he was sure it was not the DMF as it was not rattling at idle. He really know his stuff and suggested I go back to VW which I did. I told VW that the the fan-belt and Pully diagnosis they provided before was incorrect, the service guy said he found it hard to believe that his mechanics got it wrong. he called him and then said that based on "my description" of the fault, the system tells them its the fan belt and pulley - ie we charged 165$ diagnosis fee and never even looked at the vehicle.... I gave him the report from the Independent V Dub Freemantle - he said they do not take other garages diagnosis which I laughed at since they are clearly useless and arrogant. I said that it was ridiculous they never even inspected the vehicle before and they need to reset the ECU and update the Gearbox. He has a look on the System - low and behold lots of Gearbox updates. They did as instructed (When I collected the car they said that they doubt that it would have done much as they still thought it was the fan belt - which is hillarious) anyway since the update and ECU Reset we have had no more grinding gears and it is all good again. I am shocked at how bad VW service center was, they are possibly the worst garage I have ever dealt with.
    Last edited by bdyton; 04-07-2017 at 11:25 PM.

  9. #9
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    The problem today is that there aren't mechanics at dealers they are called "TECHNICIANS " and they rely on their laptops to find a problem . I think they bamboozle a fair number of owners into thinking that their diagnoses is perfect because VW train them via software to find a problem . Unfortunately they have convinced so many of their customers to rely upon their findings and when someone like yourself confronts them with evidence that is against what they suggest they can get a bit uppity . Good too hear you got a positive outcome , I see very similar things myself with my business . I had a lady bring her 2010 Mercedes to me to fix a problem with her panoramic sunroof , the dealer charged her $360 to manually close the roof and then gave her a written quote for $3800 to replace the whole complete thing . I had the car at my premises for 30 minutes charged her $80 but she paid me $100 for actually fixing it ! and got the roof working perfectly again no parts just common sense . This is whats missing these days from dealers the ability to use their brains and thinking without relying on their laptops .
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 25-06-2017 at 05:07 PM.

  10. #10
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    Just further on the DMF............although mine is a manual.........the rattling was random on mine and it was only AFTER it started rattling on idle (now and then) was it diagnosed as the DMF.
    I hope you get a lot of miles out of it anyhow!
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

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