Hi just wondering if there is an easy and elegant way to get power to a window mounted dash cam?
Mine is t5.1 highline multivan.
Is there suitable power supply inside the lights near the rear view mirror perhaps?
Best way is from the fusebox with an addafuse DONT cut into circuits in a VW or you could be in a world of pain.
Also is the camera q 12 or 5 volt one Makes a big difference.
If its a 12v one get an addafuse and a spare ciggy socket and plug addafuse into fuse then attach the ciggy holder and plug original plug into it Do the same if is 5 v as the ciggy plug will have a stepdown in it.
This gives you the idea of what to do
Dash Cam Install Tutorial – Volkswagen MK7 Golf – AutoInstruct
And this is the ciggy socket
CIGARETTE LIGHTER INLine Socket | Jaycar Electronics
If you cant solder buy this
15A Cigarette Socket to 8mm Eye Terminal | Jaycar Electronics
Addafuse Double Blade Fuse Socket Wire Tap | Jaycar Electronics
Last edited by Guest001; 11-02-2020 at 05:40 PM.
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