After an incident during the Xmas cross country run I decided that the stock horn was not up to the job of telling dopey f-wits in Jeep Grand Cherokees that overtaking another vehicle at high speed then almost immeadiately stopping in the middle of the highway because you've missed your turn as a result causing the vehicle you've just overtaken to do some really silly braking that they were really a dopey f-wit.....

So I bought a Stebel Nautilus compact from a dude on E-bay. Oz Post lost the first one but the next one turned up pronto. This lttle Italian air horn is a ripper - small but very goodly loud.

Easy enough to fit. I chose to fit mine in conjunction with the existing horn. It is located just forward of the existing horn and is bolted to the bumper sub-frame.....very solid.

Wiring is straight forward. A relay is provide with the horn but no wire. I had plenty anyway. A look at the wiring diagram in the Brooklands manual and a quick test confirmed that the T4 horn is switched on the -ve that's the wire used to activate the relay. Funnily enough the T4 horn circuit already makes use of a relay but air horns draw a bit of current so I chose to make use of the new relay and take power for the horn straight from the battery.

Because -ve is the switching side then both wires to the existing horn are connected to the new relay (I ran new wire with connecting blocks). If the horn was switched on the +ve side the relay earth would go to the chassis...

Anyway it works a treat.........and comes highly recommended.