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Thread: Fitting cruise control to T5

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Fitting cruise control to T5

    Spoke to VW and can get cc for t5 for $235, from what I have read its not too big a job to fit for anybody with skills, but too big a job for me. VW in Canberra don't seem interested in fitting it, does anyone know of anybody in the ACT area who may be able to fit it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    I have done two of the T5's but as I am in Qld I am not much good to you , it is a relatively easy job except for connecting one particular wire . The kit comes with instructions and the wires plug into the various fittings at the steering column and then there is one that you have to run under the battery , you have to remove the battery and unbolt the cover plate it has some fuses and heaps of relays the one you have to connect to is as usual the bloody very bottom one . You will have to get someone to code the van after its fitted but try and find someone in your area who has the software as you will find like I did that VW dealers will not code one unless they sold AND fitted it themselves [ it's got something to do with them saying that you cannot be trusted to follow instructions ]and they do not want to be responsible . Plus if they do it they will relieve your wallet to the tune of about $1200 !! Got both kits from these people in the UK VW Teesside - Online Shop - Transporter T5 GP 2010 onwards Retrofit Cruise Control

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Users Country Flag
    Kit you've linked is not the same as the one youve described fitting

    Not much in the way of coding to do on the early T5s. Just a matter of enabling it in the engine control module. The wiring is a pain in the bum, though.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    I will admit I fitted one to the current model T5 and one to an older T5 they were basically the same system , yes two different models and YES both had to be setup with VW software . Our later T5 did not have trip so the one in the top pic was the one we fitted same company does sell for early and late T5's .


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