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Thread: EGR For 2005 T5 AXA 2.0 PETROL

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    EGR For 2005 T5 AXA 2.0 PETROL

    Pulling my hair out on this one I have been trying for hours to track an EGR for my T5 AXA engine part number according to EKTA is 06A131501H according to the site is says next to the "Buy "link "cancelled" seems like its discontinued or what . I have been around and around the net trying to find one bloody thing must be either a dinosaur thats extinct or Unicorn which is a myth . Ok I will try local VW dealer next week but was not to keen on mortgaging the house for something that is only throwing an engine fault light , the van has been running with this light on for the last couple of years and has not blown up gone into limp mode or caused a nationwide panic . Jmac keeps berating me when he does the service to get new one so the light does not mask another problem . There are sites in a foreign language showing the part but its a bit hard to translate them to understand what it costs etc . Thanks for any leads , Howard

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Users Country Flag
    Looks like it is specific to Transporter, but see if the dealership can check if the part number has superceeded to something else.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thread Starter

    Thanks Umai not such as specific to Transporter but specific to the 2.0 Petrol version as there hundreds for the 1.9 2.5 2.0 Turbo Diesel models , I had one answer from a Chinese company that manufacture parts but not sure If I need to buy a few hundred of them !!

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