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Thread: ECU replacement cost?

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Geelong West, VIC
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    The van hasn't started/run since the glow plug light has started flashing. I've been looking on a couple of UK forums as well which is where I have got the ECU idea from. Does anybody have any idea which part of the electrical system to start looking at? RACV guy says there is no power at the glow plugs.....

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by minniemousey View Post
    The van hasn't started/run since the glow plug light has started flashing. I've been looking on a couple of UK forums as well which is where I have got the ECU idea from. Does anybody have any idea which part of the electrical system to start looking at? RACV guy says there is no power at the glow plugs.....
    Go to erwin and pay 7 euros for the diagrams. No one can reliably troubleshoot this without them. Might be a fuse gone. You'd be pretty pissed if that was the case.

    You can't load software to dead ECUs

  3. #13
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    Jul 2005
    Changed a few igition switch contact assemblies in the last couple of years, vehicle does some pretty strange things electrically when they play up.
    Widebody Cayman S Turbo, 83 ur Quattro
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    72 914 (3.2S boxster pwr), 92 G60 Corrado
    76 Scirocco(TFSI and DSG) 2018 Tiguan,Eureka,81 924.

  4. #14
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    Mt Cotton
    With the central locking I would check the connectors under the drivers seat unplug and check all of them , on both ours the connectors were growing their own green foliage around them . You can buy contact cleaner from Jay Car two parts , a cleaner which you need to leave on for 24 hours then a gold plating spray which then coats and protects the pins etc. What is confusing is how inside the van under the seat it can generate growth , I would expect it on external ones .

  5. #15
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    Well the jury's still out about this one....currently parked up at the workshop with the diagnosis of a faulty crankshaft position sensor. The only matching symptom of this was the failure to start - no shuddering whilst driving or misfiring/backfiring or stalling. A new one was supposed to have been fitted by COB today. My guess is the sensor has been replaced and it's still not starting....
    05 T5 Multivan 2.5 TDI

  6. #16
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    The above is near on the same as what I experience with my Passat.

    Crankshaft position replaced, next day it reoccurred. The common occurrence that I noticed was it then mainly occurred when hot. I.e after running.

    The autoelec final trace the fault to a single wire in the engine that was returning an out-of-range reading which had a faulty connector.

  7. #17
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    That's not what I want to hear.... The crankshaft position sensor was replaced and everything seems to be back to normal. Cars are too bloody "clever" for their own good these days.
    05 T5 Multivan 2.5 TDI

  8. #18
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    There is very simple engineering logic underpinning the design, that is prevention is better than the cure by preventing catastrophic failures. However, if the diagnostic is not simple, the problems persist, preventative maintenance costs increase or the car become unusable. Too smart for own owners good!

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