Maybe its just me but do we really have our lives enriched by these gear boxes , I would admit that if I was going to race every hot head at the traffic lights then the quick shift would be an advantage but is it worth it for every day drivers who just want a simple system without having to adapt to the gear boxes own inbuilt quirkiness . And Buzuki I would gather you are either a VW tech or independant mechanic ? if you have not yet removed one could that be because the cost frightened the crap out of the owner and that owner decides to just live with his problem . It is what happened to me but not with a DSG ours is the 6 speed triptronic in the first released T5,s and when VW told me that if the tranny was making unusual changes and then told me because it was sealed for life they would not service it only replace $6000 plus [never went back to VW after that one ]