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Thread: DIY wireless reversing camera - permanently powered

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Gerringong, NSW

    DIY wireless reversing camera - permanently powered

    Hi all,

    Thinking about installing a wireless reversing camera in my T5.
    Any advice on how I can install the camera component to be permanently powered, not just in reverse?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Tricky one as normally the camera is powered when the van is placed in reverse , I would imagine the best way would be to find a either ignition source or constant power at the fuse box . Then you would need to run a wire to the camera's power wire and maybe fit a one way diode in line to prevent sending power back to the factory wiring . I used to do this sort of thing with Diodes when we fitted car alarms , it removes the risk of sending power back to the indicators . I take it you have the camera sending the image to the head unit is that correct not sure with a VW head unit but with aftermarket it works fine as they have a DVR input so you can monitor traffic either from the front via camera all the time or in your case from the reverse camera all the time .

  3. #3
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    I had this in my Cruiser Had one power lead from reverse light and another from an accessory on wire in the console.

    You need a diode on each source wire, and I had a switch in the permanent lead. Worked well and easy to do if you are handy. DONT wire it off an ALWAYS ON wire unless you want a flat battery sometime down the track.

    I wouldnt fit a wireless camera because of the amount of metal in a van. Had one on a caravan and it was useless. Far better to get a wired one.
    Last edited by Guest001; 13-06-2015 at 12:22 PM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I put a wired camera in to the bother in laws 90's Audi A4, he wanted it manually switched (and not tied to reverse). In this case it was a small dedicated screen as part of the system.

    I used the parkers as the power supply so the camera only worked with the parkers on, this made sure that it was never just left on since the warning buzzer went off if you left them on. He also had DRL LED things that were wired into the parkers too so he was somewhat in the habit of turning the parkers on all the time anyway.

    I then hooked up a manual toggle switch to turn the camera on and off (essentially just another 12V power to trigger it). This allowed him to just leave the camera on if he wanted (which he did... a lot ). Why, because he could

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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    A mate of mine has his wired up to be on when the ignition is on only he reckons it's pretty scary when a car comes up from behind at speed and you see it looming bigger and bigger on the screen .

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Why not use the drive recorder camera with mini hdmi out and a small screen on the dash? (Navman has one)
    I'm planing on installing mine in my new van when it comes at the end of the year.

  7. #7
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    Why not use the drive recorder camera with mini hdmi out and a small screen on the dash? (Navman has one)
    I'm planing on installing mine in my new van when it comes at the end of the year.
    O/t what have you ordered?

  8. #8
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    The Crafter's sister.

    I've considered the Crafter Runner first, just because I could easily tune it to 120kW and 400Nm. But there are some other differences between TDI300 and higher output Crafters, like the front stabiliser bar and the rear brakes are smaller in TDI300, this is just from the specs sheet, so who knows what else has been removed when building the Runner?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Thanks guys for the advice!

    Was hoping it would be a simple solution - e.g. there was a permanent power source for something at the rear of the van, but that would've ben too easy

    Haven't ordered anything yet... just thinking it through... thanks for the tip regarding wireless hillbilly.

    Transporter - I like your idea... not sure exactly what I'm looking for there though - do you have a link to what you are looking at?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I had one permanently wired in my Golf I just wired the camera to the rear cigarette plug and ran the video and power through to the front

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