(Sorry, but I have previously posted this elsewhere.)
This is a long shot but does anyone have or can they suggest where I can get the dimensions of the fuel tank and the locations of the mounting holes etc? I am actually after the measurements as it may be better than trying to measure them. A plan view would be great.
I'm wanting to put a "bash" plate under the tank as I'm worried about how vulnerable I am if I drive off the bitumen.
A couple of years ago I made a successful under-engine bash plate and now want to go a bit further.
Dimensions anyone?
I've also replaced the lousy plastic undertray on the RHS behind the front wheel with a 3mm checkerplate one. Took a bit of measurement and bashing, but it is fine though after I finished I realised its "volume"/depth is much greater than needed. VW kept it more or less level with the bottom of the fuel tank etc.
Thanks folks.
I downloaded the Body builder guide (Technical Drawing PDF) for my T6 and prints it out at Officeworks ($22-23), it was AO2 size if i remember, but I've been about scale of the printed drawing as it is 1:10 it also has the underside of the vehicle and tank location.
just download the PDF file for what ever Van you have, then you can see if it will be helpful.
It does seem to take a while to download.. i though my 115mbs connection wasn't working.. its just seems slow.
Last edited by Bryn23; 31-01-2017 at 01:08 PM.