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Thread: Digital Voice Enhancement

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Users Country Flag

    Digital Voice Enhancement

    I posted this originally in the Audio section but thought I might get more of a response if I also posted it here.

    I have a 2012 Multivan Comfortline with the standard sound system. On Page 204 of the generic book which comes with the vehicle it talks about a Digital Voice Enhancement system which when fitted and when activated picks up the voices of passengers and driver on the nearest microphone and transmits it through the sound system without picking up background noise.

    Obviously my vehicle does not have this system, but it would be a particularly useful feature as the vehicle is modified to take my wife's wheelchair, so she is sat at the back of the vehicle and conversation can often be difficult.

    I was wondering if anybody had seen this feature in action and whether it could be retrofitted.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    I have heard it was in the Caravelles not sure about others though .Does your van have the switches and rotary dial in the photos on page 202 in our book , they appear to be next to the hazard switch . Also I would imagine from reading the info that you would need to have the top spec'd head unit as well could not imagine it was standard with a base model head unit knowing VW 's penchant for charging like wounded bulls for the better head units with all additional functions etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Thanks for the response.

    In answer to your question, my vehicle doesn't have the rotary dial shown in the picture. I would agree that the feature would only have come with the top of the range sound/bluetooth system.


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