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Thread: Diesel/LPG conversions

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria

    Not really my town but I have heard the 4x4 set give MTQ a bit of a positive wrap in the past and they have an Adelaide location at
    7-9 Opala St
    Regency Park, SA, 5010
    Ph: 08 8243 2688

    Your One Stop Diesel & Turbo Performance Specialists - MTQ Engine Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
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    Thanks - I'll give them a ring.
    Golf V TDI 2005 - SOLD
    Volvo C30 D5 - I've got a hat as well!
    Multivan Highline T5 TDI 4Motion 2005
    Hond Civic VTI 2001

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    An old thread but interesting none the less. We were using LPG injection on trucks back around 1980 so nothing is new in this world just the method is more modern. At that time all the truck manufacturers went ballistic when drive line failures began to happen and they refused warranty. Just a bit of history and not relevant today. I have considered using it on the 125TDI I have but am reluctant to interfere with what is such a good motor and also the ability of the DSG to handle the extra torque if they get as much as claimed.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
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    Well, I took the bus to MTQ.
    They are a totally professional outfit, and I received wonderful service from them.
    I explained the excessive black smoke and a general feeling of loss of power I felt over the last couple of years compared to what it was like when new
    They put the 4-Motion T5 onto their dyno. The graphs (that I can't post right now, as I don't have a scanner) showed 90 Kw at the wheels, which they commented was OK given the losses through the system.

    They also checked the carbon emission and found it was something like 30% at high revs. They cleaned the MAF sensor andit reduced to 12%. Their comment was that it needed replacing, which due to Xmas I have not been able to do.

    When driving now the clean appears to have given me back the pulling power of old. However, I will get the sensor changed as soon as I can. Any guess as to how much this should cost?

    Merry Xmas and safe New Year to all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seano View Post
    Not really my town but I have heard the 4x4 set give MTQ a bit of a positive wrap in the past and they have an Adelaide location at
    7-9 Opala St
    Regency Park, SA, 5010
    Ph: 08 8243 2688

    Your One Stop Diesel & Turbo Performance Specialists - MTQ Engine Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd
    Golf V TDI 2005 - SOLD
    Volvo C30 D5 - I've got a hat as well!
    Multivan Highline T5 TDI 4Motion 2005
    Hond Civic VTI 2001

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
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    MAF sensor will cost you from $250 up. But you can try something like MAF booster that will amplify the MAF output voltage to the ECU. You can't buy the MAF booster you would have to make it, not a big deal if you can solder and are able to get the parts from Jay-car or similar. Look for the diagram on net, you should be able to find it, if not I got it. However if the MAF voltage is OK now I wouldn't be replacing it in a hurry.

    How is your intake system? I will be cleaning out my intake manifold right after a new year. I bat you that it is sludged and you're loosing power for that reason as well.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Thread Starter
    Hi Transporter,

    Intake Manifold cleaning is currently not part of the "How to Do" threads.
    Is it hard?
    As you go about your own cleaning would you consider adding to the thread?
    Golf V TDI 2005 - SOLD
    Volvo C30 D5 - I've got a hat as well!
    Multivan Highline T5 TDI 4Motion 2005
    Hond Civic VTI 2001

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    wallabi point
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    we have just bought a T4 transporter synchro with dual diesel and gas. haven't really gone any long distance with it yet, but with every thing previous owner told us, they sound really good.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    Quote Originally Posted by shogun2 View Post
    Hi Transporter,

    Intake Manifold cleaning is currently not part of the "How to Do" threads.
    Is it hard?
    As you go about your own cleaning would you consider adding to the thread?
    Don't worry, it will be there soon, with a lot of pictures. I recently purchase bore scope that can take a video and still pictures, it has 8mm dia. camera at the end.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Adelaide Hills SA

    You will enjoy your T4 I am sure.
    We will be very interested to hear your experiences with the LPG system and I would be very interested in any technical detail as well. Such as who made it, pics of the installation and setup.



    Quote Originally Posted by newbi View Post
    we have just bought a T4 transporter synchro with dual diesel and gas. haven't really gone any long distance with it yet, but with every thing previous owner told us, they sound really good.

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