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Thread: Diesel Exhaust fumes in cabin from DPF

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Murrumba Downs
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    Diesel Exhaust fumes in cabin from DPF

    Just wondering if anyone else gets the awful diesel exhaust fumes in the cabin of their T5 Transporter when the DPF self cleans itself? And also do you get a rough idle also when it is cleaning itself?


  2. #2
    IN2VWS Guest
    Maybe I should read my owners manual.....but when does it clean itself?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    When it gets a bit restricted (filled up with the soot) simply said, in addition to that, the longest km without regeneration is 900-1000km.
    Which means, if you drive on highway only the ECU will regenerate the DPF every 1000km approx. The smell and increased idle speed are the signs that your DPF is being regenerated.

  4. #4
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    If you turn the air recirculation on, it will keep the fumes out. Also keeps dust out when driving on unsealed roads. If it's on for prolonged periods of time, you will need to wind the windows down occasionally to let fresh air in. See warning in hand book, Controls and Equipment page 86.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by westyswagon View Post
    If you turn the air recirculation on, it will keep the fumes out. Also keeps dust out when driving on unsealed roads. If it's on for prolonged periods of time, you will need to wind the windows down occasionally to let fresh air in. See warning in hand book, Controls and Equipment page 86.
    Cool, it doesen't bother me i owned and drove a 77 bay window kombi for ten years, now there's an engine smell. still suprised it comes in the cabin though. Can't complain just got another 970k out of 70 litres again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Now mine is a 2005 and doesn't have a DPF and I get an exhaust smell in my cabin, its a 2.5 diesel.
    Any ideas???

  7. #7
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    Cracked exhaust manifold would be the most likely culprit.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Fairly common issue with the T5 2.5 engine there is a write up somewhere i'll see if I can find it .Found it !!Cracked Manifold

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    Fairly common issue with the T5 2.5 engine there is a write up somewhere i'll see if I can find it .Found it !!Cracked Manifold
    More likely a slightly loose clamp post turbo where the DPF joins it. Mine was loose a while back and no more fumes in cabin when the allen bolt was tightened. Cheers, Scott

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton

    One of the other issues with diesel fumes getting inside is that the vans are hardly what I would call sealed from outside elements . When I fitted sunroof to our T5 after about two years the grey roof trim was almost black in colour ok slight exaggeration but the velour was acting like a filter and wherever it was no longer glued to the backing board as we have to cut part of the original trim away , but that's where the fumes were coming through and leaving the soot in the fabric . There are many parts of the body which are open to the air outside , logic dictates if the van is putting out diesel fumes other than the end of the tail pipe it will come up through the vents and the body .

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