Can i get these tyres for my t5 4 motion 14 model? Do you think they'll be noisy running up the highway.. how do you deaden the tyre noise?
So many things to do..��
Can i get these tyres for my t5 4 motion 14 model? Do you think they'll be noisy running up the highway.. how do you deaden the tyre noise?
So many things to do..��
You can, but you have to check your local regs on upsized tires, i'm not sure about NSW, if your van has ESP, you have to double check if you can lift and put on bigger wheels.
I checked on the tires today, just over $500 each for these retail.... as much as i love the rims, i think the tires are overpriced, most likey looking at $4-4.5K for the setup of tires and rims.
i wouldn't be surprised if they very bloody noisy, as they are a real AT tire, you could add dynamat or similar sounder deadener over the wheel arches, but they always tend to be noisy.
I'm going to keep looking at my options, as i might as well just powder coat my 17 steel rims matt black and call it a day, and buy a new tablesaw instead.
2017 VW T6 3200KG GVM LWB 132kW 7 Speed DSG (Campervan Conversion)
Any advice on just HOW to correct the speedo in a T5.1?
I think I'm correct in saying that in many?all VWs there is a Distance Impulse Number that the computer uses to calculate road speed from tyre diameter but I am pretty sure I can't find anyone who has talked about having actuaslly chenged it in a T5.1 (or T5). This does require access to the digital innards (Instrument Control Module) but my local VW Service Manager (who has always been very good) says he's never heard of the Distance Impulse Number. In other vehicles Europeans and US VW owners use the un-cheap Ross-Tech VCDS system.
It would be good to heard comments from anyone who knows if it is possible.
I don' think anyone on the forum has yet said they have successfully persuaded authorities to accept a GPS-provided speed as the "speedometer" for their vehicle.
(I think the Distance Impulse Number is in effect an index of the actual vehicle model. (So the three wheel size/tyre size combinations in a T5.1, for example, all give a rolling circumference within a couple of mm.) VW electronics/firmware common to many vehicles distinguishes between at least some models on the basis of Wheel Size (i.e. Distance Impulse Number). Apparently in sedans, at least, you can change tyre circumference and effectively tell the computer you are driving a Golf (for example) and not the actual ?Skoda? the vehicle is, and thus correct a speedo reading.
See Speedometer fast error adjustment and correction - mk5, mk6 | VW TDI forum, Audi, Porsche, and Chevy Cruze diesel forum)
FWIW folks.
On my T6 4motion I have a "winter tyres" option within the MFD. Corrects the speedo +10km/hr or -10km/hr. Perfect for running bigger circumference wheels / tyres.
Bad news . . this setting relates to the speed at which an audible warning is given that the vehicle is approaching the rated speed of the tyres. This is apparently lower for Winter Tyres.
From another Forum
Quote from the manual....
Winter tyres
Here you can set at which speed a warning signal should sound. This function is used
for e.g winter tyres with the permissible maximum speed less than the maximum
speed of the vehicle.
When exceeding the speed, the following is displayed on the information display*:
Snow tyres max. speed ... km/h (Winter tyres maximum ... km/h)
Seikel, amongst their information online, offer a Speedometer adjustment service when changed tyres/wheels are added to their lift kit. The change for Earlier T5's is pretty expensive but E35.70 for post 2011 vehicles suggests it is a simple change.
Speedo adjustment
for Volkswagen T5 up to MY 2010
446,25 € (incl. tax)
375,00 € (ex. tax)
for Volkswagen T5 from MY 2011
35,70 € (incl. tax)
30,00 € (ex. tax)
See under the T5 tab at:
Tyre change - Seikel
might cost a bit to take the van to germany to get them to change the speedo setting
Im assuming those prices are in house?
Sucks about the winter tire option, ill have to look at the manual, as I've overseas, earlier models only had speed warning and later models looked like speedo was an option.
2017 VW T6 3200KG GVM LWB 132kW 7 Speed DSG (Campervan Conversion)