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Thread: CVs still clicking after being replaced

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    East Brisbane, QLD
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    CVs still clicking after being replaced

    So my VW T5 4-motion has been lifted about 30mm and runs some larger all terrains. It's fairly well known that you'll wear out your CVs a bit faster with the steeper angles they run at.

    Over the last few months I've been getting some clicking from the front CVs when turning tight corners and it's typically worse uphill. So it's when the wheel is turned away from the car and the suspension in extension. We've replaced the lower control arm bushes (rooted) but that didn't help. Next we did the CVs and now it's worse than ever. It'll now click driving out of the driveway here (down a slight grade, down the angled gutter then turning on the flat road). It's quiet turning at full lock at the end of the street through... Going up a steep corner it's gone from a click to a harsh knock.

    So I'm trying to work out what else there is. The T5s front suspension attaches to the subframe. The subframe attaches to the chassis in four spots. The front and rear engine mounts attach to the sub frame while the right engine and gearbox mount attach to the chassis. The strut top of course is attached to the chassis. See reference pics below.

    I chucked the go pro under the car and there is a fair amount of movement between the subframe and the chassis when going up and down the gutter....though I wouldn't think it's enough to cause this. Could be though. Movement at the strut top wouldn't make much difference down at the hub.

    What else is there? Combination of worn subframe and engine mount bushes?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    I will stick my neck out here and sugggest you are on the wrong track , both my T5s left and front "supposed failed " CV joints were clicking and it turned out to not be that at all . Thereare two splines on each end of your drive shafts , one goes through the disc rotor and lower control arm . BUT the one at the other end which goes into the gearbox housing is the one which will click as in my case . There are two splines in play one sticks out of the gearbox housing Male and the end of the drive shaft Female sorry if I have offeneded the LGBT society . I only replaced the drivers side of mine a couple of weeks ago and the passengers side a few years back . The problem may have been caused by the lifting of the van as the spline moves in and out of the coupling and the teeth on the spline have less contact area once you lift the van . I can't be certain but its just an idea . I replaced both the spline on the box and the whole drive shaft with new internal spline and CV joints . I got the parts from a place at Slacks Creek here in Brisbane half the price of VW .Check this post from the last one I did VW price for parts This shaft in this photo was the passengers side it was pretty close to shearing off and was clicking audibly .Send me a PM if you want the adress of the people I used .CVs still clicking after being replaced-stub-jpg

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Interesting. I think next week I'll need to pull it apart and have a look at these stub splines.
    Appreciate the suggestion!

  4. #4
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    Call them politician and staffer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiels3927 View Post

    Call them politician and staffer.
    I love it what a classic !

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Quote Originally Posted by Murphenzo View Post
    Interesting. I think next week I'll need to pull it apart and have a look at these stub splines.
    Appreciate the suggestion!
    Give me a call if you need any info 0414312624

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I found the problem, the pictures of the subframe clearly show that it isn't attached to the van

    It'll be interesting to see if sunny's call on the axles if spot on, i've got him at odds that that may fix it.

    Don't forget to lube the splines when putting them back in.
    2017 VW T6 3200KG GVM LWB 132kW 7 Speed DSG (Campervan Conversion)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryn23 View Post
    I found the problem, the pictures of the subframe clearly show that it isn't attached to the van
    You idiot that's as good as Kiels 3927's comment .

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Where did the CVs come from?
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  10. #10
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    I would call the worn splines more of a clunk than a click.
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

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