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Thread: Cutting out rib in transporter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Users Country Flag

    Cutting out rib in transporter

    I'm looking at ways to recess a fringe into the chassis, and i noticed that Reimo do a water tank that requires the rib to be cut out on the driver side behind the seat.

    Has anyone done this (cutting the rib out), it looks like a great way to increase space, by enabling the cupboards to be shallower than needed.

    Surely it can't be structural, if Reimo do a water tank for that area once the rib is removed...

    As the tank is 74mm at its widest, so in theory i could reduce the cupboards by 40mm-50mm to give myself more space for turning a wheelchair, once i install the cabinets.

    Can we remove a lower rib here in Australia???

    we take them out of the window space when we install the bonded glass, and the drivers side is designed for a sliding door......
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Cutting out rib in transporter-fb805c3c-jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    If you are talking about the one running from front to rear half way up just cut it away it is only an anti drumming brace at best , if there was a seat there maybe different as it would be an anti intrusion bar like inside doors of most passenger cars .Cutting out rib in transporter-vw-side-jpg

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Thanks Sunny,

    That middle one that is covered the one i was talking about, seems like a lot of wasted space.. where i could recess the fridge in and get some more width inside the van, without sacrificing a fridge.

    Just didn't want to cut out something that was important.

    i can build the cabinets to allow the fridge go over that bottom lip, so that lip isn't an issue.

    Just looking at smarter ways to increase the space inside my van.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Yes the same space is where we mounted our subwoofer for the stereo but because the shape of the speaker is conical we did not need to remove it .

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