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Thread: cracked exhaust manifold

  1. #11
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    I've seen one, but I've never fitted one.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    We are going to try to modify today ,rang Kamil in the UK and he can't understand why it wont fit ....says has sold over 1000 in UK with no issue ...WTF.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by cafa View Post
    We are going to try to modify today ,rang Kamil in the UK and he can't understand why it wont fit ....says has sold over 1000 in UK with no issue ...WTF.

    I'm not trying to offend or something but...
    Could it be that your mechanic is lacking the skills/experience ? Not everything is always super easy, direct bolt off/on job.

  4. #14
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    well the jury is out considering their verdict will have an idea tomorrow, could be right......but I hope not........

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    well today after many hours and of frustration let me tell you this cast manifold will not fit the AXE engine....all fitting instructions were followed and it is bull**** it will not fit..after much grinding it still will not fit ..I want to talk to anyone who has actually fitted one of these manifolds to an AXE motor....not much is impossible but THIS IS...the manufacturer said it was 5mm thick so could grind a little off....well it now has hole in it with stuff all ground I have the dilemma of either welding old manifold or spending $1100 on a new genuine manifold that ill stuff up in no time..why the Fxxck does anyone buy a VW

  6. #16
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    Where is it fouling exactly?

    I'm doing a gasket job on one at the moment, so everything is relatively fresh in my mind.

    Is this a Darkside manifold?

    They list two different ones for early and late T5s with the 2.5 motor.

    They also state that there may be clearance issues with the turbo used on the AXE motors, which I find a little odd, as they're the same manifold as far as stock ones go.
    Last edited by Umai Naa!!; 20-10-2016 at 07:07 PM.

  7. #17
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    with the manifold loose on studs you can lift it up and just get turbo into position without the turbo gasket and then when you try to tighten the manifold it is hard up against the top of turbo.
    we ground a little off the turbo and it still did not fit so then I asked Kamil Rominski if manifold could be ground a little underneath where there are two cutouts for turbo to fit into and he said that manifold is about 5mm thick , so we ground about 1-2mm of that area and it burnt a hole in now it is stuffed ..
    I now have to either weld old one or get overpriced genuine that will do the same in time.
    This manifold is not a Darkside developments one it is from ebay seller is Pegasus Motorsports Kamil Rominski and the pictures of his manifold and darkside look the same.
    I AM OVER ALL OF THIS so much time has been wasted at great expense....VW have many genuine maniofolds in stock and do Know of the problem yet they did not rectify the manifold and still sell the same part with no mods that will fail again...really it makes you wonder why anyone would buy a Volkswagon...I will never do it again..

  8. #18
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    I can totally understand your frustration.

    I would repair the old one, to be honest. Make sure it is cleaned out of any loose material internally, and replace the gaskets.

  9. #19
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    Old manifold is welded and bolted up...nearly finished ..only exhaust to go on but will have to wait till Monday my mechanic is as sick of it as I am.....what a NIGHTMARE..

  10. #20
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    I can understand you anger and you may recall I was the first to suggest welding the old one up , it has been done many times here and overseas . I suppose between finding the cracks you must have ordered one first and then did the research to see the options . Hindsight is a wonderful thing ask some questions first before diving in with the sharks .
    Look I am so glad to hear you have at least got the manifold back and working , I to have been down on VW for some unbelievable technological issues but I do love our VW vans and finally I have learnt to ask loads of questions before parting with my hard earned money . If I did know what I know now I would not have been out of pocket to the tune of $8500 some years back .

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