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Thread: Control arm bushes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
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    Control arm bushes

    Had my front control arm bushes replaced today, technician noticed that the old bushes were fitted incorrectly, vertical instead of horizontal, (or is my mechanic wrong) if you guys know what I mean, shoulders up down instead of left right, anyone else ever come across this issue? I was surprised that the bushes were worn out at 120k

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
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    I just put mine in for an alignment to be told the front end was too worn to allow it. They think it’s the control arm or strut, have to take it to a mechanic to check properly. Plus classic vw, can’t change the bushes in the control arm, have to replace the whole thing for 1800 bucks. Car has 60k, 15 model

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    What year is yours? I’m wondering why vw say they can’t press new ones in, my local mechanic thinks he can.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Mine 2012, a hacksaw blade was used, the rear front bushes was the worn ones but replaced all four while at it

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Newcastle, NSW
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    Quote Originally Posted by twistit View Post
    I just put mine in for an alignment to be told the front end was too worn to allow it. They think it’s the control arm or strut, have to take it to a mechanic to check properly. Plus classic vw, can’t change the bushes in the control arm, have to replace the whole thing for 1800 bucks. Car has 60k, 15 model
    I've had the front lower control arm bushes replaced on 2 T5's. The bushes needed to be pressed in and out. Done at VW dealer. If the bushes are really worn you can put your foot on the top of the front tire and rotate the wheel front to back slightly.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    I replaced the top and bottom bushes on my T5 some years ago , they were a bit clunky but the van had around 250000 kms on the clock . Now I was able to take the control arms to a VW mechanic I knew here in Brisbane , he let me use his hydrauic press and I did them in under an hour and then took the bits back home and refitted them myself. Its not a hard job to do but the press made life really easy .

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