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Thread: Coming to a dealer near you .

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    sydney nsw

    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    I have the welding licence; arc, mig, tig and oxy for more than 30years.
    These welds hold the components together but believe me; they don't have the strength that they should have. No way on earth you get the correct strength, when you weld two metal pieces together with the huge gap between them and just fill up the gaps with the welding wire like they did. This is one of the reasons why their cars fail in the crash test.
    As for the testing the cars in China; I don't know what they do, but it doesn't give a great deal of confidence.
    while i dont entirely agree with you, i see your point. and as you said, the welds looked worse in real life than pics. it later occured to me though, what has cherry welds got to do with a maxis car? arent they 2 seperate car makers? i dont think its fair to judge one over what we see with the other. this would be like judging hyundia over kias shortfalls. (just an example).

    and as for resale, i dont think resale could be worse than new $53000, 7 years later $500. thats as good as a 0 resale.

    what im saying is, i dont think we should knock em until they been tried and tested by aussies for a few years.

  2. #22
    IN2VWS Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jfoldbar View Post
    and as for resale, i dont think resale could be worse than new $53000, 7 years later $500. thats as good as a 0 resale.
    More details on the sale please. To only get $500, the car/van must have in really poor condition, maybe not even running.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by IN2VWS View Post
    More details on the sale please. To only get $500, the car/van must have in really poor condition, maybe not even running.
    As you guessed, the resale value is the average resale value and it doesn't matter what some individuals get for their vehicle.

  4. #24
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    I suppose you could put it into this context pay upwards of $50000 for a car-van and it depreciates to say a figure of $15000- $20000 after a number of years or pay a sum somewhat a lot less than that amount and it depreciates to an equivilant low level . The problem is that in the motoring publics eye the China car will be worth less in a shorter time . It doesn,t really matter what you buy these days its all geared to the manufactureres and dealers
    making maximum profit from selling another new car . My neighbour bought a new SAAB 9.3 convertible over $60,000 three years later he could not even get $19,000 for the car on trade in . So lets see what this Maxus is like I love the VW but I am not totally opposed to giving consideration to another brand if it stacks up to a higher priced Euro van . And lets face it the best price around at the moment for a base model T5 is $36,000 approx and remember its an empty box on wheels with no windows etc .
    Another thing is that we all bagged the Japanese back in the sixties for their cars and then later the Koreans now its the Chinese .There is always a start up period with teething problems and I would imagine that even VW had their share of suspect cars over the years at the start .But if you do some research the face of commercial vehicles in Australia is about to under do a major change if reports are correct you can expect up to another 3 Chinese car makers enter the Aussie market with vans and cars in the next 18 months .

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by IN2VWS View Post
    More details on the sale please. To only get $500, the car/van must have in really poor condition, maybe not even running.
    noone could fix it. so had no choice but to scrap it.

    As you guessed, the resale value is the average resale value and it doesn't matter what some individuals get for their vehicle.

    nice no know that i dont matter. thanks. i feel heaps better now.

  6. #26
    IN2VWS Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jfoldbar View Post
    noone could fix it. so had no choice but to scrap it.
    No one could fix it, or, it was going to cost too much to fix?

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Now Adelaide!!!

    What vehicle was it?

    Could you not have stripped it and sold the parts on one of the many websites for more?

    The tyres alone must of been worth that much?

    Just an idea for next time.


  8. #28
    Join Date
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    sydney nsw

    Quote Originally Posted by IN2VWS View Post
    No one could fix it, or, it was going to cost too much to fix?
    one thing it had was the dreaded 1800rpm shudder. i threw about 6 months and 10k into this alone to no avail. i know people with this same problem who have put in whole new long motors, gear box and driveshafts etc, etc to try to fix it to no avail. i could see myself going down this same path. so i had to ask myself, do i spend more than new car price on repairs and mayby for nothing, or do i walk away. i chose walk away. then theres not only the money aspect of it, each repair takes time (noones fault) and having only 1 car it meant months in a hire vehicle was adding up. so think of that what you will.

    ---------- Post added at 07:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by rob64981 View Post

    What vehicle was it?

    Could you not have stripped it and sold the parts on one of the many websites for more?

    The tyres alone must of been worth that much?

    Just an idea for next time.

    t5 2.5
    physically, i could have done what you say. i considered and thought about this a lot. logically it makes financial sense.
    mentally, my wife and i (mostly her) could not handle it being in our driveway a second longer.
    and not enough space to have car parts hanging around while they sell.

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