Thing is 'I' dont really drive my vans / trucks, employees do, and although they do look after them well I really don't think they care whether its a VW or a Great wall, all they want is the $$$
Changing buisness needs brought about by the Company I contract to saw me selling sooner than I would have liked, but your right, keep the bloody things as long as you can!
I think there could be a market for cheap chinese vans, but more for the people who dont have to drive them![]()
It looked much worst in real, than in the pictures. The pipes (I can't call it the steel tubing) looked like they went through the fire then got rusty and someone painted black (no primer was used) while they were still hot after the welding. The material looked like it was not the steel that was suiatable for welding at all.![]()
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
As the poster of this thread I only put it up as nothing much gets posted on weekends so its good to generate some comments . With relation to ISOfixings I was heavily involved in the seat belt child restraint and extra seating manufacturing 12 years ago , even then there was disagreement with the powers that be about the use of them . It seems that Australian standards differed from the rest of the world , Aussie authorities calimed that the parcel shelf style restraint system was the best when I did some research in 1997 overseas I was told that whilst the Aussie standard was good there was higher degree of injury risk as opposed to the way the rest of the world installed child restraints . I left the industry in 2000 so I no longer keep up to date but I think there is still an air of scepticism from Australian designers. The money issue could be a driving factor as to change and test to satisfy ADR, is a horrendous cost , and remember every single car made and sold here must be tested .
Some times I think that regulations are somewhat out of control here nowdays a mate of mine has just imported a 2012 Toyota Tundra Crew MaxDual cab 5.7 lt , to get the thing converted is going to cost $38000 the ute cost $44000 . Now he was telling me that ADR,s will not let him use the brand new Michellin tyres here along with lights obviously wipers seat belts child restraints [yes it has ISO Fix ] I could hardly believe the list of brand new parts that have to be changed because of "our" regulations . Don,t the Ausssie regulators realise that America is just as safety concious as us . Now some one correct me if I am wrong .
you all know what i think, but i cant say it on here.
but you are right about the welds transporter. they look "unprofessional". but having spent many years welding imo that does not affect strength. im sure they would test this car in china before they sell it.
ISOFIX has been approved....happened a week ago yesterday
New Vehicle Safety Standard to Help Parents
I have the welding licence; arc, mig, tig and oxy for more than 30years.
These welds hold the components together but believe me; they don't have the strength that they should have. No way on earth you get the correct strength, when you weld two metal pieces together with the huge gap between them and just fill up the gaps with the welding wire like they did. This is one of the reasons why their cars fail in the crash test.
As for the testing the cars in China; I don't know what they do, but it doesn't give a great deal of confidence.![]()
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
There you go.
Last edited by rob64981; 02-04-2012 at 09:58 PM.
Thanks for the link Rob in 97 when we travelled the us for 6 weeks I also found that system better than ours for the very reason shown , with my old business we would fit baby seats most days for people whom the QLD Ambulance would direct to us as we had Qld transport certification for fitting and approval of special devices . Without fail a huge number of parents who tried to fit them got them horribly wrong they would use parcel tie downs in hatches to attach the tether strap to, some even did not use the top tether strap the ISO is the way to go .