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Thread: 2005 T5 TDI 4Motion no cold air

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    2005 T5 TDI 4Motion no cold air

    Hi all. Got in the bus today and the other half mentioned that the sour no longer gets cold. With all the cold weather i hadn't noticed it not working. There's plenty of air velocity, but it is all warm air.
    Can anyone recommend a decent airconditioning shop in Adelaide? Or am i better taking it back to Solitaire?

    Sent from my SM-T815Y using Tapatalk
    Golf V TDI 2005 - SOLD
    Volvo C30 D5 - I've got a hat as well!
    Multivan Highline T5 TDI 4Motion 2005
    Hond Civic VTI 2001

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Have you checked all the fuses or can you hear the air compressor clicking off and on when you turn it on . Also you maybe able to see the engine revs change slightly when the air is tuned on and off . Just an idea if the compressor has gone to lunch expect a $1600 bill for a new one from VW , thats what they charged us for a new one when the bearing failed .

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    No clicks from the compressor. I'll check the fuse to start with.
    Golf V TDI 2005 - SOLD
    Volvo C30 D5 - I've got a hat as well!
    Multivan Highline T5 TDI 4Motion 2005
    Hond Civic VTI 2001

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Sinagra, Western Australia
    Which engine fitted? The rubber coupling used to **** the bed quite often on the T5's. But depends on the motor fitted. Probably worth getting someone to put some gauges on and see what is actually occuring.
    Volks Handy
    Servicing - Repairs - Diagnostics - Mobile fault scanning/clearing - A/c work
    10 years experience working for Audi/VW/Skoda
    Now in Perth NOR, Western Australia.

  5. #5
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    Does AXE sound right?

    Sent from my SM-T815Y using Tapatalk
    Golf V TDI 2005 - SOLD
    Volvo C30 D5 - I've got a hat as well!
    Multivan Highline T5 TDI 4Motion 2005
    Hond Civic VTI 2001

  6. #6
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    Do the easy things first. Get it re-gassed. Then worry about more complex things after that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Regassing won't help if the rubber coupling or the freewheel drive have gone,
    on the AXE you won't hear a click from a compressor clutch as they don't have a
    elect magnetic clutch, also there is sometimes such a minute difference in revs
    that you might not notice.

    Best to check fuse(s), if ok then as suggested above get the couplings checked,
    if ok then get the system pressures checked and go from there.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by shogun2 View Post
    Hi all. Got in the bus today and the other half mentioned that the sour no longer gets cold. With all the cold weather i hadn't noticed it not working. There's plenty of air velocity, but it is all warm air.
    Can anyone recommend a decent airconditioning shop in Adelaide? Or am i better taking it back to Solitaire?

    Sent from my SM-T815Y using Tapatalk
    At Lonsdale, Coolway Air 8384 2953

    Before you take it there, can you change the air direction from the vents with turning the knob?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syncrotek View Post
    Regassing won't help if the rubber coupling or the freewheel drive have gone,
    on the AXE you won't hear a click from a compressor clutch as they don't have a
    elect magnetic clutch, also there is sometimes such a minute difference in revs
    that you might not notice.

    Best to check fuse(s), if ok then as suggested above get the couplings checked,
    if ok then get the system pressures checked and go from there.
    Ok. New coupling about four years ago. They should last longer than that?
    Golf V TDI 2005 - SOLD
    Volvo C30 D5 - I've got a hat as well!
    Multivan Highline T5 TDI 4Motion 2005
    Hond Civic VTI 2001

  10. #10
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    Quote Originally Posted by shogun2 View Post
    Ok. New coupling about four years ago. They should last longer than that?
    Just make sure both knobs are working as usual. Otherwise, yeah it could be low on gas.

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