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Thread: Clarifying an issue with lift and Tire size

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    I rarely rely on my speedo as stated under ADR's they can be plus or minus by a margin , I have three different readings in my work van Speedo reading 100kmh GPS telling me its 96kmh or so . Then using an ODB reader which gives my speed on a HUD on the windscreen it gives around 98/99 kmh so it is all over the shop . Best bet is to use GPS over a set distance and compare the readout . The only times I have been done for speeding is when I was asleep at the wheel so to speak just plain forgot to have look when in a 60 zone , three tickets over ten year period and around 500000 kms in two vans so not too bad methinks . These days I have changed the tolerance in the GPS so I get warnings when approaching +5% of the posted limit so at 61 kmh a 60 symbol turns red on the GPS when 63 I get a nagging woman telling me I "Your over the speed limit " so I trust the GPS because the speedo just clams up ! The HUD is great at night as I turn down all the instrument lights and have the speed / tacho right in front of me saves from having to keep looking down at the dash . Note here for Qld there is still a tolerance with the various types of speed detection devices but it has been lowered recently so you need to be careful . NSW now that's a whole different ball game , I work in the Northern Rivers area from time to time and stick right on the limit EXACTLY and I use the cruise control every where .

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    I rarely rely on my speedo as stated under ADR's they can be plus or minus by a margin , I have three different readings in my work van Speedo reading 100kmh GPS telling me its 96kmh or so . Then using an ODB reader which gives my speed on a HUD on the windscreen it gives around 98/99 kmh so it is all over the shop . Best bet is to use GPS over a set distance and compare the readout . The only times I have been done for speeding is when I was asleep at the wheel so to speak just plain forgot to have look when in a 60 zone , three tickets over ten year period and around 500000 kms in two vans so not too bad methinks . These days I have changed the tolerance in the GPS so I get warnings when approaching +5% of the posted limit so at 61 kmh a 60 symbol turns red on the GPS when 63 I get a nagging woman telling me I "Your over the speed limit " so I trust the GPS because the speedo just clams up ! The HUD is great at night as I turn down all the instrument lights and have the speed / tacho right in front of me saves from having to keep looking down at the dash . Note here for Qld there is still a tolerance with the various types of speed detection devices but it has been lowered recently so you need to be careful . NSW now that's a whole different ball game , I work in the Northern Rivers area from time to time and stick right on the limit EXACTLY and I use the cruise control every where .
    I also have a HUD and its set 1k above Canbus speed to be really safe.
    QLD tolerance is pretty low as I got a ticket for 4 k over in a 60 zone. I swear it was the car outside me that was passing me but just paid up anyway.

    Cruise is at speedo speed unless adjusted to compensate for incorrect readout. At 110 true I run on 116 and HUD reads 111 to keep the narks away. ( So Far)
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Exactly the same as me , my last infringement was a dubious one as the photo showed two cars side by side but I got the ticket . Again only a few kays over but life goes on , interesting thing and I am not making an excuse here . I drove through the same place on the Gold Coast at Broadbeach yesterday , yes there were sign warning of the camera but in that area there also multiple other signs along the road plus the light rail in the middle of the road with all of its warning signs and turn signals . By the time you have finished focussing on the light rail and also needing to find where I was going to turn in a strange area those warning signs were just more background clutter .

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    First question, don't worry about losing any power with the larger wheels and tires. It really doesn't make the much of a different. Noticeable....yes. But it's not much.

    On tire sizing, it's not because it's an AWD that you can go larger on the tires, it's the vehicle class under the ADRs. If I recall correctly the transporters are NC2 and they are allowed a 50mm increase in tire diameter, same as a 4WD (whatever their ADR class is). Thought it worth mentioning that in case you ever get questioned.

    I didn't bother recalibrating the speedo on mine. I just know that the speedo reads about 1.5% low (factory it reads 5% high). It's no big deal. I've never been questioned on the tire size by the police.

    Last but not least, you can get a 738mm tire into the standard spare tire holder, it's just not easy. It needs to be deflated and you need to jack it into place.

    If you'd like to see a T5 with the suspension and wheel setup you're talking about, I fly back into Brisbane tomorrow and will be around until the following weekend. Happy to give you a look.
    Last edited by Murphenzo; 09-07-2016 at 01:19 PM.

  5. #15
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    Hi Murphenzo,

    From reading the ADR's it looked like it was fine for the 50mm increase. i just want to make sure that i read it correctly..

    I did come across a few slightly smaller tires such as 225/65/R17 724.3mm OD and 235/60/R17 714mm OD all with the Correct Load Rating, that could work without the spare tire deflation issue or having to spend big $$ on the Oversized tire mount.

    Although even those sizes may hit the inner guard without the offset change on standard rims.

    I'm free all week, so send me a PM with contact details and ill come out to you, whenever you are free and when its not a hassle, I live in the CBD, so it not far out to East Brisbane.

    Cheers and thanks for the offer.

  6. #16
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    I have a manual 6 speed 2014 4Motion transporter with 235/65/17's and as Murph says the difference is noticeable. I do quite a bit of gear changing on the highway. Seem to need to be doing 100kph to change into 6th, any lower and the van feels "uncomfortable" so do a lot more 5th gear driving. If I had DSG I would be investigating this 2003-2015 (T5) : Harding Performance DSG Software - VW Transporter 7 speed DQ500 - 2.0 BiTDI/TDI Vehicles
    I like the look of the lower speed 1st gear. May have gone DSG if I had seen that before I ordered the manual.

    Bruce CQ

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryn23 View Post
    I'm free all week, so send me a PM with contact details and ill come out to you, whenever you are free and when its not a hassle, I live in the CBD, so it not far out to East Brisbane.

    Cheers and thanks for the offer.
    Sorry, it's been a bit of a mad week. There might be some time this arvo. I'll let you know.
    Cheers. Justin.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Murphenzo View Post
    Sorry, it's been a bit of a mad week. There might be some time this arvo. I'll let you know.
    Cheers. Justin.
    Thanks Justin,

    I'm going to have to give it a miss, i've got the flu at the moment, and its a bad one, so I'm not going anywhere, don't want to spend it.

    I've got enough info from here and pictures to make a decision, the Seikel Kit will work for me.

    Although, i think ill go the BFG 225/65/R17, 724mm OD 107 Load Rating, as this will be a happy medium solution for my needs.

    Less Power drop than the 235/65R17, speedo's only out by 3%, and i'd like to think there would be less stress on the DSG.

    NZ's an awesome place, What work do you do there? We Lived up in Coromandel, Cracker of a Place

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    No worries mate, best to take it easy! Ground clearance with the Seikel kit really isn't an issue in these things, so I don't think you'll miss the couple of mm smaller diameter with the smaller tire. Mine is never on it's belly on any of the beach tracks (there's always someone lower that's been sweeping them) and it surprisingly hasn't been an issue on some of the rougher off road tracks I've done so far. I think if I did it all again I'd try to squeeze a slightly wider tire in there for a little more foot print on the sand. I think a 255 could just be doable, 245 definitely.

    Agreed on NZ! I loved the place. I was down in Dunedin working on a new SCADA system for one of the power utilities. It's gorgeous area with plenty to do if you love the outdoors and the people are really awesome. A lot of fun! The coromandel is a beautiful area. I'll be heading up there later in the year for a little bit of travel off the back on the next stint on this job. Looking forward to it!

  10. #20

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Bug View Post
    I have a manual 6 speed 2014 4Motion transporter with 235/65/17's and as Murph says the difference is noticeable. I do quite a bit of gear changing on the highway. Seem to need to be doing 100kph to change into 6th, any lower and the van feels "uncomfortable" so do a lot more 5th gear driving. If I had DSG I would be investigating this 2003-2015 (T5) : Harding Performance DSG Software - VW Transporter 7 speed DQ500 - 2.0 BiTDI/TDI Vehicles
    I like the look of the lower speed 1st gear. May have gone DSG if I had seen that before I ordered the manual.

    Bruce CQ
    Big Bug

    What rims did you use to fit the 235/65R17 under the wheel arches and do the tyres scrub on full lock?


    Sent from my R7g using Tapatalk

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