Could be the size of the cig plug on the Blackvue not making connections with the accessory lighter socket. ?
Hi Guys,
I have a Blackvue DR300G fitted in my van.
When it is plugged into the cig lighter in the ashtray, the thing has power to it 24/7. So it records even when the van is parked, which I do not want it to do.
I have an extra Waeco power outlet fitted for a Waeco fridge. This is run direct to the battery, and has a switch on it so you can choose to have it on 24/7, or only when the motor is running.
The question I have is, why wont the blackvue work at all when plugged into this power outlet (yet everything else will work, fridge, phone charger etc.), yet it will only work when plugged into the factory cig lighter?
Is the factory cig lighter wired differently, or does it send a signal??????
Could be the size of the cig plug on the Blackvue not making connections with the accessory lighter socket. ?
I have discovered the same thing with my Caddy Maxi Life. The lighter is powered up 24/7 even though the manual says otherwise.
Nothing unusual plugged in, just standard plugs for mobile phone chargers and an AlerteGPS unit.
At the moment I have a multi-outlet accessory attached under the radio and all I have to do is unplug its power lead to turn all off. This should not really be necessary however.
I will be adding it to the list when it goes in for its first courtesy service. The only way around would be to fit a relay that picked up power for the coil from a circuit that becomes live when the ignition is on, and re-use the current power cable.
I also have too many accessories to run from the cigarette lighter socket, so I decided to install a second battery and 240V inverter under the passenger seat.
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Transporter do you do this yourself? Or did you pay someone to do this. I am a tradesman and don't have time to spend mucking about with the installation, an I could do with a inverter and second battery in mine for charging tools camping ect. Can someone in Sydney do this?
Allso just for curiosity were do Vw install there optional second battery?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, did it myself. There is "how to" if you didn't already see it. Check the stickie, how to do this and that.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab using Tapatalk.
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
I was thinking about this and the simple solution is to add in a relay to the lighter wiring. Take the + that runs to the socket as your source and pick up an acc on + for the switch and it should turn off with the ignition.
(I only thought of this as I did a similar thing for my front park lights that are now on with the ignition ie. as DRL are)
You could check the fuse box as there are usually some spare points not used a relay would be the best as it would save an extra load on that circuit . Do you have the wires running accross the dash as a better way would be to hard wire it in place and run all the wires behind the trims etc would depend on where the camera is mounted naturally . That,s the way I like to wire things up it keeps the dash cleaner as well [admits here that the phone charger is the only thing that is plugged in occasionally] Howard
This situation is quite annoying when you consider the price we pay to buy these vans and they come with one socket which is in the ashtray in itself quite annoying.They are supposed to be work vans etc where most trades or delivery users would have a GPS /phone chargers etc to plug in and they only supply one outlet.
You can buy a $13,000 KIa and it comes standard with a cigarette lighter plus an accessary outlet and in the boot another accessary outlet. Just Saying ! I still love my van dont worry but you would think VW coulld spruce things up a bit and save us all this drama.Its not that there's not enough room on the centre of the dash to put another socket in at the factory.
Couple of usb charging ports!