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Thread: Changing interior light on 2011 T5 Multivan

  1. #1

    Changing interior light on 2011 T5 Multivan

    Hi guys,

    How do you remove the light to change the bulb on this interior light on my mulitvan? Sorry for the basic question. Just don't want to break the fitting doing it the wring way.



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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Whilst I cannot be certain with that particular one , I will say the best way to remove any plastic parts in cars these days it to buy a set of Toledo Tools trim remover set . So much gentler on the fragile edges than a conventional screw driver , now as I said without being certain the logical way would be that the clear lens should unclip or at least the surround with lens included . But be warned as someone who is faced with removal of interior fittings nearly every day the designers are great at making something that just clips into place but removal ? well that's a different scenario . I would love to see a VW mechanic / technician remove the Golf 7 roof mounted interior grab handles without swearing multiple times took me an hour to remove 4 of them .Take a close look and see if there is apparent separate pieces from the main part of the fitting ie lens or the complete light .

  3. #3
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    The plastic lens cover have four clips two each side.
    They are a little hard to get out so the trim tools do help. When changing mine I pulled the whole unit out of the roof vents lights the whole thing. Was a lot easier to see what goes where.
    I went with led blue lights just to be a little different.

  4. #4
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    I'd be very interested in how to remove those bastard lights. We had a bulb go in our Van very early on and I figured it would be an easy fix... so I tried and bent the clips ... 6 years I've only had one other bulb blow and I had the dealer do it at service

    I'd love to know how you are supposed to remove them though so I can replace them with LED's.

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  5. #5
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    With the whole unit down it allows the plastic to flex

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Husky is pretty spot on the parts usually have to be flexed to remove , whilst in situ they can be a bastard to remove . In some cars we used to keep spare parts in stock as the clips are suicidal and it almost belies belief that they expect them to even come out at all . You have to almost destroy the locating bits to get them to release .

  7. #7
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Husky310 View Post
    The plastic lens cover have four clips two each side.
    They are a little hard to get out so the trim tools do help. When changing mine I pulled the whole unit out of the roof vents lights the whole thing. Was a lot easier to see what goes where.
    I went with led blue lights just to be a little different.
    Does it just pull down?

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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    You should just try and remove the lens from either end of the front or rear , sometimes they have small locators the same each end or sometimes two at one end and one at the other . Unless someone has previously done the job its trial and error , using one of the Toledo trim tools you can insert it between the lens and the outer bezel and lever gently it should then come downwards from that side . Once its out you will see the locators , I often find they will just fly out once the one side is released .

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    You should just try and remove the lens from either end of the front or rear , sometimes they have small locators the same each end or sometimes two at one end and one at the other . Unless someone has previously done the job its trial and error , using one of the Toledo trim tools you can insert it between the lens and the outer bezel and lever gently it should then come downwards from that side . Once its out you will see the locators , I often find they will just fly out once the one side is released .
    Ended up removing the whole unit by mistake. It wouldn't go back in square so I'm hoping I can have a good look at it tomorrow. Found a blown bulb, but it was the bulb that flickered on briefly before.

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  10. #10
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    Feb 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by ozgti View Post
    Ended up removing the whole unit by mistake. It wouldn't go back in square so I'm hoping I can have a good look at it tomorrow. Found a blown bulb, but it was the bulb that flickered on briefly before.

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    Changed all 4 bulbs. Amazingly all but were blown. The one that wasn't was hanging together by a strand. Thanks!

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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