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Thread: Brake pedal hard first thing in the morning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Brake pedal hard first thing in the morning

    2006 T5 Kombi Beach

    Once the engine started the brake pedal went back to being normal, but harder to press first time before engine started. I suddenly got the thought that the brake vacuum reservoir might have got a leak or one of the pipes, so I had a look around and got lucky straight away. The pipe that supplies vacuum from the tandem pump goes up to a disk looking valve with a smaller pipe that leads away to the bowels of the engine bay. The pipe from the other side of the disk valve to the brake booster had a huge crack where it went onto the valve end.

    I replaced this entire plastic pipe which had become hard and brittle with a new rubber pipe from supercheap and problem solved.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    same here a while back. Split at a t-piece to the brake servo, no vacuum assist.
    04 T5

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