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Thread: bed build in a T4 van

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Canberra / Qld

    bed build in a T4 van

    A mate of mine built this for me (well i was gonna say he helped me build it but to be fair he's done most of it) thought i'd leave some pics here as a point of reference if someone else is thinking of doing the something similar. Point being theres a lot of instructables on the net for this type thing but they are so ****E!! and use a lot of timber and space. This is way simpler, a bit like a trestle table i guess.

    Last edited by posscakes; 13-07-2012 at 12:16 AM.
    \"mother natures quite a lady but your the lady for me\" - johnny cash.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Nice work so far look forward to seeing finished result .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Canberra / Qld
    Thread Starter
    Thanks, yeah obviously not finished yet. Got to finish the supports for the seat, make a few cushions and a curtain thats about it. We might make some storage boxes with the left over ply. I just got a nice futon mattress to put in it which should make for a comfy sleep. At somepoint i will sort out some interior lights, an exterior phone antenna, maybe get a spare batt to run a few things, so the aim is to make it cosy enough for travelling without going way overboard...

    some notes on materials - a steel frame v timber - steel cheaper, probably lighter and less taxing on space. the 25 x25 square tubing is $23 for 5 metre lengths but you can get it all cut to size. you need a bit of flatbar for making little tabs to fix it into place. obviously you need access to a welder, drills, grinder etc. I used 15mm structural ply from Bunnings cost $56 a sheet 2400 x 1200 i got but i still got probably half a sheet left and my platforms approx 1900 x1570. Someone told me to buy high density foam from Clarke Rubber re mattress, so it went and sussed but was way too expensive $150 per square metre just for raw foam which i decided against, probably cheaper to get futon made at that price.
    Last edited by posscakes; 14-07-2012 at 12:31 PM.
    \"mother natures quite a lady but your the lady for me\" - johnny cash.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    We regularly sleep in the back of our T5 when we go Moto Cross riding and overnite camping as we have the floor carpeted I usually just throw a single bed size foam matress from Super A Mart [we have two bucket seat down the rh side ] Some advise if you want to buy the high density foam cheaper than from Clark robber , try Nolans UDA they have outlets in all capitals they are automotive upholstery suppliers or Daleys Motor Trimming supplies .


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