Thanks for the reply , I have been over the owners handbook from start to finish and the same for the service booklet . We have owned the van since brand new and up until the geabox issue it was serviced by them as well . As most owners are told by the sales people and the owners book we are lead to accept that VW are the people we should trust to carry out manufactureres specified services . Not one person in service on previous visits gave any indication that the auto would not be serviced , I will admit that up until the problem with ours occured I had not scrutinised the service book for auto servicing until I asked when it started to play up . What are we supposed to do trust VW or buy a car and take it to some one else to service ? because this business has made me think twice about how manufactureres treat their customers .Believe me the next time I look at a new purchase the salespeople and service people will be well and truly grilled about these and other issues as I will not part with hard earned money to have it wasted on this sort of rort . Even recently when I approached a sales person at a VW dealer and started to ask about a possible future purchase , I asked about Auto servicing and he litteraly ran to the service dept to ask as he did not know . He didi not even continue with the conversation leaving me to discuss the matter with the service manager .