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Thread: All dashboard gauges stop working when I rev the engine! Still drives fine though !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Users Country Flag

    All dashboard gauges stop working when I rev the engine! Still drives fine though !

    All dashboard gauges stop working when I rev the engine! Still drives fine though!

    Start engine and all is fine idling at the 800 or so rpm, but when I rev it a bit, either stationary or when driving, all of the dashboard gauges drop and stop ie the Temp, Fuel,Speedo, Tacho, the lot inc the odometer which stops counting the klms when driving.

    Van still drives fine though, no problem. Noticed it happen once, a while ago after I think I turned the a/c on.
    Just thought it another VW transporter anomaly at first.

    Now its regular. Any suggestions?

    Van is a 1998 T4 5cyl 2.5L petrol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
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    I suggest not fixing it until you sell it, with really low kms
    nah but seriously I have nothing of worth to contribute, sorry

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    I would suggest you check the main plug on the back of the instrument binnacle its a large white one it goes down to the back of the fuse box , plus also check for any loose connections on the back of the fuse box , my sons T4 2.5 did very similar things and I found a loose connection on the back of the fuse box . When the dash goes out reach up behind the fuse box and move some wires around and see if it comes back to life .My sons one would have a flashing oil pressure light and no tacho when it happened .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Launceston, Tasmania
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    I had a "similar" problem: the cruise control would die if I turned the aircon on. Fixed it by having it regassed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    I would suggest you check the main plug on the back of the instrument binnacle its a large white one it goes down to the back of the fuse box , plus also check for any loose connections on the back of the fuse box , my sons T4 2.5 did very similar things and I found a loose connection on the back of the fuse box . When the dash goes out reach up behind the fuse box and move some wires around and see if it comes back to life .My sons one would have a flashing oil pressure light and no tacho when it happened .
    Thanks everyone and especially Sunny, you were spot on. Not sure what wire or connection it was but something worked! Thanks again. I do have one more problem that I would like solved but will start a new thread soon so as not to confuse / go off track / on this one.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Glad to have helped TFour that's what the forum is about help and support and the occasional disagreement , ha ha . Yes when the oil light came on and was flashing it really spooked us as we were worried that the engine might blow , to be honest at first we did not notice the other things that had stopped at the same time so we were focussed on the oil light . I spent ages under the van checking oil pressure switch and wiring etc , never gave a thought to the under dash wiring being the culprit . I think it was when I went over a large bump that it flicked back to normal so I was thumping the fuse box cover and saw what it was doing which lead me to the loose connection .

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