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Thread: Aircon in '05 Transporter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Aircon in '05 Transporter

    Hi all, I have an '05 Transporter that's having some aircon issues. I've just had a new compressor fitted and regas but the aircon seems to take quite a while to blow out cool air on warm day. I've only ever been getting air coming from the two outer vents, nothing from the two inner ones either side of the stereo. Is that normal? I would've thought air should come out of all 4 vents? It's the same story when the heater is on too. It's annoying the crap out of me, the fan needs to be on at least 3 or 4 for it to have any kind of effect and it's bloody loud when it's cranked up that much.

    cheers, Scotty

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Silly question have you replaced the internal filter lately ? it made a huge difference to ours once I replaced it . Its up under the dash on the passengers side , a few screws and its out . I found leaves and all sorts of junk up inside the housing . Worth a try .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    aircon should come out all 4 vents with dial turned to top outlets.

    There is/was a prob with heater cables(the dial thingy) stuffing up.Search on here or google
    here's one, not necessarily your problem
    T 5 vent control knob fix

    thx S
    i should check mine/find out where it is

    found it.
    Bit grotty after 150K, few leaves,bird feathers, dirt.Cleaned it up and back in for another 150K.
    For anyone else, you need to remove the lower black panel under passenger dash area 3 x T20 torx
    Then 2 x 5mm hex head(although i used 7/32") for filter.Bit squeezy to remove also, might need some wire to jag filter out
    Dirty side of filter goes to LHS if refitting old filter
    Last edited by Rebuild; 03-11-2015 at 05:53 PM.
    04 T5

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Thread Starter
    Sunny I think the internal filter was changed at the last service, I'll check it anyway though, thank you mate.

    Rebuild, I'll check that out too, thank you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Thread Starter

    So I just used this guide How to fix your heater cables [improved!] - The Brick-yard to fix the bent cable and now I have air coming from all four vents

    thanks again for your help fellas.

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