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Thread: Aftermarket LEDs for T5 Multivan

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Aftermarket LEDs for T5 Multivan

    I just took delivery of a new T5 edition 25 Multivan and love it.
    I would like to retrofit LEDs at the front (as per pics below).
    Has anyone had experience with this?
    Do I just buy some from ebay and get an auto electrician to fit them?
    Has anyone else done this already? I cant be the only person who wants to do this. I don't want the expense of Bi-Xenons.
    Can anyone recommend a place in Sydney to do this?
    Does anyone have pics of there T5 with LEDs?

    Multivan Edition 25 & Ford XR50

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Kilmore, Vic
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    Congrats on the new van, Jason, nice ride

    I can't help you with the lights, but I'm sure someone here can


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I have found a lot of cheap LED DRL on ebay but not sure of reliability and conformity to laws here for fitting, etc
    Philips have a range of 3 different LED DRLs.
    4, 5 & 8 Dot versions. The 4 & 5 versions only work while headlights are OFF (during day) due to the fact that they are blindingly bright at night. I like the 8's as they dim for night use so they are more usable.
    Now I just have to decide where to place them. I went to my local Auto Electrician and he wants $450 + 2-3 hours labour (approx $600 total) and he can either place them within the air-dam area on from bumper or cut into the bumper near front fog lights.
    I prefer them closer to the fog lights but am concerned about cutting into my shiny new ride??
    Does anyone have experience with these?
    I have shopped around and can get them for $249 delivered on ebay from a Sydney seller so I've already shaved $200 off the price. Should cost $400 installed now.
    Comments please? Where should I place them? Picture of my ride below.
    Multivan Edition 25 & Ford XR50

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    That is a lot of money for what your trying to achieve.

    You can get some nice thin strip LED and run them directly under the headlight in the groove between the light and the bumper. You are probably looking at $50 for a pair of those plus wiring if you are not willing to do it yourself. There are ways of installing them without cutting into the wiring with piggy back fuses etc. The LED draw next to no amps, so they don't trip the warning sensors.

    I don't have a pic but if you don't understand what I am on about I can arrange one probably, not a multivan though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Now Adelaide!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason069 View Post

    Now I just have to decide where to place them. He can either place them within the air-dam area on from bumper or cut into the bumper near front fog lights.
    I prefer them closer to the fog lights but am concerned about cutting into my shiny new ride??
    Comments please? Where should I place them?
    For my opinion they should be places as wide and as low as you could get them.
    The idea is to show the width of your vehicle so people dont drive into it!
    The lower bit is just aesthetically pleasing.

    THESE ARE MY VIEWS as asked for by Jason and should in no way taken as law.
    Just in case things go belly up


  6. #6
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    Thanks Michael and Rob,
    @Michael, are you talking about a strip like in my first picture, "blinglights" but run it along the bottom of headlight?
    I've seen these strips you talk about on ebay but was concerned about quality and also if the can operate in both day and night mode?
    My auto Electrician told me that they are not allowed at night and should turn off when headlights come on as they are too bright??
    Unless, they are not as bright as the philips ones. They have a test model on his front counter and they are blindingly bright when on.
    I like the idea of the strip more as it will look more integrated than the philips ones, BUT I dont want any problems and worry that the cheap ones will be faulty or that one of the leds will stop working, etc. the labour on fiddling with unreliable units will outway the cost of the Philips units eventually..

    I'm still confused??

    Multivan Edition 25 & Ford XR50

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Now these might not be the answer but I can tell you that these were bloody bright , I fitted out the inside of a friends HI Ace [Idiot] should have bought VW! any way I fitted these inside and boy they lit up like day light , they have adhesive backing and are also low load , only $45 FOR 5 PIECES eBay Australia: Buy new & used fashion, electronics & home d Now another friend of mine on the Gold Coast who does some unusual mods to cars has a trick Golf GTi and he showed me some LED,s he fitted to the golf inside the headlights , if I can find out some more info I,ll post again .Howard

  8. #8
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    Thanks Howard,
    If you find out anything about the ones your Golf GTi friend has please let me know.
    I'm going to drop into a few auto electrician locally and ask around.
    Are T5 headlights a sealed unit? How would I take them apart stick them inside the lens?
    I would also like to do it to my XR50 to follow the bottom of the headlights.
    Multivan Edition 25 & Ford XR50


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