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Thread: Advice wanted - should I buy an ex-taxi (aka "limo")?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Users Country Flag

    Advice wanted - should I buy an ex-taxi (aka "limo")?

    Evening All, I'm new to the vans forum so please forgive any obvious stupidity...

    I am looking to move from VW's smallest car, Candy White 5-dr up!, to a 7-seater, ideally a Multivan. Looking online at the various car sales sites I see that there are only a few for sale at any one time, especially 4Motion, which I'd really quite like. I'm not in any desperate hurry (the up! is our second car) but am ready to buy when I see something I like.

    I'm across all the issues and arguments re. T5 v. T5GP; DSG woes; petrol v. Diesel; owning outside warrranty; 4Motion v. Front Wheel Drive; yadda yadda yadda... I have my own opinions on all that stuff and I won't bore you and am not really looking to cover the same old ground - you might guess my views given I have a Diesel manual Skoda Scout tho'

    Anyhoo, there's an oddball 2008 Multivan T5 Highline 4-Motion for sale on the Gold Coast. After some sleuthing I can confirm it has been used as an airport "limo" although its low mileage (49k) seems not to add up in that sense, unless it was never driven to Brissie.

    My question is: should I be considering an ex-commercially used vehicle? Seem to be pro's and con's both ways (let's assume it hasn't been crashed/had the odometer wound back/driven underwater to South Stradebroke Island or anything too weird). Any advice or cautionary tales would be very gratefully welcomed.

    tl/dr/ would you buy this van?n

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Users Country Flag
    Certainly looks to be in good shape in the pics.

    Worth getting it checked out by someone who knows them well anyway.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Yeah. Anyone know any independent VAG mechs on the Gold Coast who do home visits? Happy to pay handsomely(ish).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Welcome to the Van Forum Scarfies . Well the van looks pretty legit but the only true way to be sure is a visual inspection . Is the van at a dealer or private address , 49 kays is strangely low for the years and usage . But again it may not have been used as a shuttle like the Hi Ace's you see around it may have only been used for special use hence the special number plates . I am down on the coast from time to time I could have a look for you let me know .Howard

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Advice wanted - should I buy an ex-taxi (aka "limo")?

    Thanks Sunny. My wife's uncle lives only about 15mins away and apparently used to race Porsches (in the 80s) so must know a thing or two about VAG so he's probably a starting point but if he thinks it's legit I'd like a really good check over. My local mechanic seems to think it might be ok but he's not there...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Users Country Flag
    Try Jmac, if you can get ahold of him.

    Other option would be vdubmotorworx on here.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Christchurch NZ (ex Brisbane)
    Having bought 2nd hand in Qld and dealt with the taxi brigade with business I would say RUN AWAY. Not worth it, unless you have a very good pre-purchase inspection and FSH and dealing with a non standard taxi setup (i.e. high end hotel with a reputation to uphold...)

    Qld is the wild wild west as far as 2nd hand market go's...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    The worst vehicles I've dealt with over the years have been flooded ones and ex taxis (funny you
    mentioned 'driven underwater') A proper inspection is at the very least a must.
    Good luck in the search.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    These days from my personal experience , flooded cars are not likely to end up back on the market . They have so many computers and electronics that a single immersion will end up with a right off straight away . I used to run an auto interior business and flooded cars crossed our doors many times . It was almost impossible to dry out leather seats and carpets without major damage and then the electrics well lets say that one particular BMW came in with only 15000 kays on the clock . We stripped out the car and then had the car transported back to the panel shop they quoted the repairs to electrics and some small body damage engine gearbox etc. . BMW was worth $50 grand repairs went over $40 grand so they wrote it off too many computers and servos etc .

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