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Thread: Additional Child Safety Seat Top Tether Anchor Points T6 Caravelle

  1. #11
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    I added an image above from our van showing the mountings from the Multi. Yes it's a completely different floor mounting system, and I understand this would be in no way a tested configuration, but if the seat and backrest share a common bolt pattern to the Caravelle frame it might well be something that could be easily fit and engineered given it's a completely self-contained system based on the same chassis.
    Last edited by The_Hawk; 15-09-2019 at 10:52 AM.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  2. #12
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    I've added the ETKA images where the connection between the base and the backrest look very very similar. While it might then require a retrim so it matches the rest of the vehicle, it does look like it might just be possible to fit at least the backrest if not all the parts.

    Last edited by The_Hawk; 15-09-2019 at 10:54 AM.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    Ok your stuffed then , the Crab bar would have been the best option if it could be fitted satisfactorily , The position behind the seat back rest is restrictive as you have to allow for the buckle and adjuster . Have you been to a second place for an opinion on the distance issue ? and yes if you wanted to use the seat frame as an anchor point it would require testing or at least a report from the manufacturers to see if they have load test done or specifications . As I said earlier if the seat belt anchor points are in the middle then there could be a remote possibility that the back rest may stand the loads but an engineer would need to be satisfied that it was strong enough .Just a quick one can the seat be slid further forward to make the extra distance required ?
    Good Sunday morning to all.

    The distance issue with the CRAB bar is actually a design specification as set out by the RMS. I do not think talking to another installer will actually change anything.

    Additional Child Safety Seat Top Tether Anchor Points T6 Caravelle-crab-bar-installation-jpg

    The two seat belt anchor points for the latches are as per the image below. There is also a seat belt for the middle seating position that is attached to the back of the seat itself as well.

    Additional Child Safety Seat Top Tether Anchor Points T6 Caravelle-t6-rear-bench-seat-jpg

    Unfortunately the seats in the Caravelle are fixed. It's the budget version of the Multivan. Come to think of it, they did a lot of things budget. I mean, who would have thought that the 9 seater may be used by a large family and may actually need tether anchors in the rear bench seat.

    Come to think of it, my old T4 had a similar seat mounting frame as the T6, yet they had three top tether straps installed on it. Makes no sense what VW have done here.

    Last edited by fiox1; 15-09-2019 at 12:40 PM.

  4. #14
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    Hi The_Hawk,

    Thank you for the pictures. I believe the picture you provided from your van is from an early model T5. Is that correct? The later models T5's and all T6's have the anchor points in the top half of the seat backrest.

    Do you have the ETKA pictures for the later models?

    I actually started stripping the back rest trim to see if there are any similarities to the Multivan seat. I'll have a better look today.

    Last edited by fiox1; 15-09-2019 at 01:34 PM.

  5. #15
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    Now as it has been some years since I surrendered my Qld Transport Officers certificate my memory of the weights is a bit hazy but this may be of some use . Now as there is an existing retractable seat belt in the middle position at the top then an engineer would be able to deduce if you can fit 3 tether points to the seat . Child seating loads is worked out in several categories depending on weight / age of child in each position , rememeber the seat it self has already been certified in its current state if the childs total weight is under the load for the adult in the middle position then you might be able to claim that its a safe option . Oh by the way VW do not make sense with lots of things they do , try and figure out why they decreed the T5,s auto should never need servicing in a country like Australia with our conditions it was a recipe for failure for sure [ I know this I still have evidence to prove my point ].

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiox1 View Post
    Thank you for the pictures. I believe the picture you provided from your van is from an early model T5. Is that correct? The later models T5's and all T6's have the anchor points in the top half of the seat backrest.

    Do you have the ETKA pictures for the later models?
    My Van is a T5.1, the first of the 340TDI in 2010 which remained the same until the T6 (and even that didn't change much of anything at all). Those ETKA images should be from a 2015 model (which is the same as mine), I don't have anything newer unfortunately but what I want looking at was the mounting point for the seat back rest. Wondering if you could swap in just that piece (the seat base piece too if it works I suppose).

    Again, assuming it actually fits in the mountings, you could grab anything from a T5, T5.1 or T6 (the older ones usually being cheaper and more available) and not care too much about condition assuming you would get it trimmed to match your current interior.

    Now I'm completely making this up as I go along, but on the face of it, it does appear it might just work.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  7. #17
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    Hi All,

    I may have a potential solution.

    I talked to another installer recommended to me by a business called Mobility Engineering. Now Mobility Engineering are the contracted go to business for RMS and for all installers (at least in NSW).

    I explained the situation and he said that the best way is to install a CRAB bar variation where the mounts are actually still installed in the floor of the van. The CRAB bar is used to take the load of abnormal situation. That makes sense. If the seat is not able to take the load, then the CRAB bar will definitely account for that. Best part is that it only cost about $600 rather than the $3k required to test the in floor installation.

    Some will say it will impact the boot space. Well in the 9 seater Caravelle, there is no boot space anyway and the distance bethween the back of the seat and the tailgate is only about 100mm.

    Next step is to visit this alternate installer and ensure they are happy they can do it. I will keep you posted.


  8. #18
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    The Crab bar would absorb the strain but it still places a certain amount of strain on the tops of the back rests as the strap tries to find the shortest route in an accident and if the seat back fails it then allows the child or seat to be propelled forward , now like I said as they have built an adult rated seat belt into the middle section it would probably still be ok . I hope you get the job sorted andglad you took my advice to try ann alternate fitting centre for asecond opinion .

  9. #19
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    Hi Sunny,

    My understanding is the purpose of the CRAB bar is to ensure minimal strain is absorbed by the seats. Otherwise why would it be the go to option for bench seats with no additional testing required.

    When speaking to the engineers, they indicated that since the center position is rated for an adult, then from their experience, all positions will be ok. It's just that the standards and RMS do not just go by experience.


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