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Thread: 2ltr 5speed from 2000 Beetle into T4

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    Launceston, Tasmania
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    2ltr 5speed from 2000 Beetle into T4

    Hi All
    I don't need specifics now but just a general response in regards whether a 2ltr 5sp from a 2000 beetle would go into a T4 transporter. I currently have a T4 with a high k 2ltr 5sp and the opportunity is presenting to purchase a 2000 beetle pretty cheap with a 2ltr 5sp. It is a complete car so would have all looms etc and given the T4 k's are getting up there, it this an option and if yes, a viable one. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Launceston, Tasmania
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    I guess no-one has thought of this as a transplant option before. Difference between 84hp and 115hp and an engine with 100,000k's less, I guess for the money I'll just buy it and go from there. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    You would need to check things like engine mounts and their positions as a Transporter body and chassis would be very different to a Beetle , then there would be things like output shafts splines etc . Dont think for a moment VW would make things easy . I swapped my sons T4 engine which was non turbo 2.4 diesel which was a total slug to a 2.5 petrol model , I managed to buy one off Ebay from Coffs Harbour for $3600 . We went down by train and drove it back to Brisbane sight unseen , it drove perfectly great engine but the body was a bit sad along with the interior . I pulled out his old motor and fitted the petrol one exhaust fuel tank and electrics , he was very happy with better performance . I decided as a project to then refit the diesel into the donor Ebay van did some paint and trim repairs and sold it back on Ebay for $5000 . The only hitch was the thing would not start until we took the key to a locksmith where they copied the old keys code to the other one and it started straight away . The only place that may have been able to give you some advice would have been Camden GTI they did a few mods on vans but I don,t know they are in business anymore . Link Here Log in to Facebook

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    Launceston, Tasmania
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    Thanks Sunny43.5, I guess once I have the Beetle, I can sus all that stuff out and if not viable, I can always try and get it back on the road. Has a dash cluster issue where it is getting power but none of the instruments work, I still think for what it is, to have 2 different options can't be bad. Plenty of car nuts in Tassie so shouldn't be too hard to find someone here for mounts and splines etc. Will be looking at the beetle again today to make sure it starts and goes well before parting out the cash. Hopefully will update with what I find out.

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