We had 23H8 Service Campaign written on ours in the top section and at the bottom in the description section it says RECALL CODE LABEL against the same job number.
When I called the service department this afternoon they were next to useless, he just said it wasn't a recall but was a software update Volskwagen had issued but couldn't tell me what it was for. He said when they come in they don't get told what they're for but to just put them onto all cars when they come in for their next service.
I find it really hard to believe that someone working in the service department wouldn't know what was in it.
My wife reckons the Multivan is running smoother when accelerating from a stopped position. I think it might be the DSG software upgrade that someone else on the forum spoke about when they took their Multivan in for a service a month or so ago.
I'd like someone who works in the industry to give us the low down on what was really done in the software update.