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Thread: 23H8 Recall?

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Recall Code 23H8

    Just had the 132Kw serviced and asked the same question. All I got out of them was that it is to do with the DSG transmission. I had asked the workshop manager when I checked the vehicle in for first service if the delay off the mark was normal as it seemed to me to be more than I expected. He said it drove normally but this was before the 23H8 bit was done.
    I do think it is a little better but wondered if it was just my imagination. Would love to get something authoritive on it too.
    cheers all

  2. #12
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    As mentioned, it's to do with the DPF regenerating under revised parameters.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Umai Naa!! View Post
    As mentioned, it's to do with the DPF regenerating under revised parameters.
    I can believe that, as our 132kw van has had it, and it has made bugger all difference to the acceleration lag issue, which is still bloody dangerous.

  4. #14
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    I believe there is a separate campaign or re-flash for the DSG to improve its responsiveness.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Doesn,t it seem strange to owners of DSG equiped vans that with all the multi millions of $ spent by VW in developing the DSG and if I,m not mistaken they also spent nearly 7 years in developement to get it to where it is today that they fit it and it has a suspect operation ???? . What kind of people test drive these in pre production or is it something that has arisen after manufactures release and we the consumer have had to ask for a fix to something that is not operating as it should , as some have stated a very dangerous situation can occur ? this is not just related to VW vans its been well documented in the US with large recalls for problems for Golfs and Amaroks whose DSG does not work in off road situations with total failures in some cases .

  6. #16
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    Doesn,t it seem strange to owners of DSG equiped vans that with all the multi millions of $ spent by VW in developing the DSG and if I,m not mistaken they also spent nearly 7 years in developement to get it to where it is today that they fit it and it has a suspect operation ???? . What kind of people test drive these in pre production or is it something that has arisen after manufactures release and we the consumer have had to ask for a fix to something that is not operating as it should , as some have stated a very dangerous situation can occur ? this is not just related to VW vans its been well documented in the US with large recalls for problems for Golfs and Amaroks whose DSG does not work in off road situations with total failures in some cases .
    I thought that there is no dsg equipped Amarok (manual only) and that soon a ZF 8 speed auto is on the way.
    According to one Wolfsburg engineer, a conventional torque-converter automatic transmission was chosen over the company’s famous DSG dual-clutch system due to its greater low-speed response and resistance to slip. The latter was also deemed less suitable for off-road applications.
    Even the VW engineers state what we aalready know on dsg units (my underlined part)
    taken from here:

    Second thought, if the dsg isn't ideal in the Amarok wonder if it will be replaced in the T5 4motions...
    Last edited by Tornado T5; 15-05-2012 at 04:52 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Apology is now given yes it was written up that VW would not use the DSG because of the problem that in off road situation it could cause the auto to fail. When I was writing the article last night I had it in the back of my mind that Iread about DSG and the Amarok and I just forgot the correct details , it still does not exonerate VW from having problems with the DSG in other VW makes as reported in Cars Guide a couple of weeks back and the issue was raised again in a comparison of used VW Golfs with autos . Sorry for the goof up stand corrected .

  8. #18
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    Jun 2007

    Don't worry about an apology and I to share your dislike of the DSG's. I had the pleasure of driving a ZF 8 speed auto equipped BMW 328i and I must say a great powertrain. For whatever the difference might be in fuel economy between this and a dsg, the smoothness of the ZF easily outways a few measly dollars saved over the months.

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