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Thread: 2016 T6 BiTDI remap experiences

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    I like your approach, however to remove anti pollution device of any kind or temper with it is illegal and attract big fines when you get caught.
    When you get caught ? is a bit of a misonomer , I have been driving a technically illegal T5 since 2005 and pulled over multiple times by police and Queensland Transport guys who do the road side testing and compliance . The last time I got pulled over I even goaded the officer to see if he would do anything but alas , no matter what i did he couldn,t have cared less . My wheels had GMH logos in the caps on each one and he didnt bat an eylid even after I pointed it out to him , and the cat converter was deleted years ago and still no response . Now in our family T5.1 daily drive I did get pulled over by the police one afternoon why ? because the DRL 's were sort of a blue colour and he told me the Police were the only ones who can have blue coloured light,s , I was let off with a caution to change them even though they had been in van for several years . He made me laugh when he said we need to keep vigilant with hoons WTF I explained I was 65 and not quite a hoon just yet .
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 24-09-2018 at 03:39 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Chelmer, Queensland
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    WTF I explained I was 65 and not quite a hoon just yet .
    Dunno about that. Some of your posts are a bit Harley, if you know what I mean.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Quote Originally Posted by Kiels3927 View Post
    Dunno about that. Some of your posts are a bit Harley, if you know what I mean.
    Yes I live by the expression "growing old disgracefully " I might add at now 66 I am still going out with some family and mates Moto Cross riding at our favourite Moto Cross park . Some say I'm stupid but I figure if I am going to die I may as well die doing something I enjoy , like last trip out couple of weeks ago managed to nearly run over a huge snake across the track and then managed to lose conntrol and hit an entrance to a concrete tunnel .

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