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Thread: 2016 T6 BiTDI remap experiences

  1. #1
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    2016 T6 BiTDI remap experiences

    Dear All

    Having had a 2009 2.5 TDI with a Superchip's remap which went like a cut snake especially in the important 80-120km/h range I have been underwhelmed over the last two years with a new stock T6 BiTDI 7spd DSG - delayed throttle response/lack of grunt etc. Thinking of getting a SC remap for this and wanting to see if anyone else has gone down this road and the results? BTW - took a new T450 Multivan for a test drive and that in a Transporter will be the replacement for the current vehicle - reminds me of the 5 pot.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    I reckon VW were on a winner with the 5 pot TDI why they went backwards in capacity is beyond me , ours was stock and could easily show a clean pair of heels to many cars at the lights or overtaking . It,s a bit like all these dual cab utes these days fitted with 4 pot turbo's which would be hard pressed to tow and load the "alledged "capacity , there is no substitute for cubes put one of the best of the current stock of dual cabs up against just one of the US V8 utes and it's no contest .

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    I reckon VW were on a winner with the 5 pot TDI why they went backwards in capacity is beyond me , ours was stock and could easily show a clean pair of heels to many cars at the lights or overtaking . It,s a bit like all these dual cab utes these days fitted with 4 pot turbo's which would be hard pressed to tow and load the "alledged "capacity , there is no substitute for cubes put one of the best of the current stock of dual cabs up against just one of the US V8 utes and it's no contest .
    Fuel economy/emissions - best i got in the 5 pot was 8.4l/100 whereas i get 7.2l/100 in the T6 on a fully laden trip to Melbourne

    still interested in any remap experiences

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Yes Red you are right but the 5 pot was pretty bloody impressive the power was linear and many people who I let have a drive were blown away .

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Lake Cathie, NSW, 2445
    Yep I had a 20 % remap done but more importantly EGR and DPS delete due to previous engine failures. Best thing I ever did just for peace of mind. Made a substantial difference to responce and economy. 2010 biturbo 4motion

  6. #6
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    Hi WW - do you mean DPF delete? I'm assuming this isn't legal but understand the benefit it gives - what does the EGR delete do for performance - I'm assuming this isn't legal either? Did you do the remap and deletions at the same time or can you remark on the benefit of the remap alone?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bicycle View Post
    Hi WW - do you mean DPF delete? I'm assuming this isn't legal but understand the benefit it gives - what does the EGR delete do for performance - I'm assuming this isn't legal either? Did you do the remap and deletions at the same time or can you remark on the benefit of the remap alone?
    Yeah sorry, EGR blank and DPF delete. I drove the T5 1200 km to Rockhampton to have all of the work done in one hit. The return journey was a rippa and it felt like a whole different vehicle. No regrets at all. Deleting is illegal but more common than anyone thinks. As I said earlier I did mine for peace of mind as soon as the warranty on the replacement engine ran out. To my mind the 132 kw already goes pretty well but the computer has to be reprogrammed or whatever the do to computers to stop EGR and DPF fault lights coming on. The power increase is optional and I wasn't going to knock back a few extra horses included in the package. Not sure if the Guys who did the job want their name all over the forum but quite happy to recommend them if you or anyone interested sends me a PM. Cheers

  8. #8
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    Interesting story - I'm not going to delete my DPF as the countryside needs the particulates when it regenerates on the freeway...but I'm wondering do they put a dummy DPF on and is there any problems at rego time?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Lake Cathie, NSW, 2445
    Hi RB. to finally clear this up the EGR was my main target as the EGR cooler caused the first engine failure. It is now blanked and won't cause any more failures! The DPF causes a lot of discussion for and against. They are not required in all overseas countries and a number of kits are avaiable to replace them. Mine was replaced with a straight exhaust tube which can be converted back to a DPF if ever required. My DPF was getting to replacement stage which can run to $1000 + so that helped the decision. Cheers

  10. #10
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    I like your approach, however to remove anti pollution device of any kind or temper with it is illegal and attract big fines when you get caught.

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