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Thread: 2010 T5 Transporter Engine needs Rebuild

  1. #11
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    I'd allow a VW dealer to diagnose it, for a potential goodwill claim, before attempting any work.

  2. #12
    these have a nasty habit of this. they also have a habit of smashing the rocker arms, and firing needle rollers through the engine. at that point vw reccomend a full engine. usually a head and a fair few other parts and it can be fixed.

  3. #13
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  4. #14
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    also may bend conrods i have heard

    Quote Originally Posted by fullcirc View Post
    Everyone take it as a warning! If you own a T5.1

    T5 2.5's are immune from this (belt failure)
    04 T5

  5. #15
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    The lesson from this is that the accessories belt should be always checked during regular servicing and replaced as needed. The same happens to other brands, Mitsubishi V6 engines and Kia come quickly to my mind.

    So, you just can't blame everything on VW design.

    I'm not saying that the bellow applies to the OP but...

    I see many car owners extending the servicing intervals and even skipping some, doing their own oil changes and calling it their "own servicing". Where this falls short is the luck of knowledge and experience which can lead to very expensive repairs later.

    My advice, if you have the complete service record, ideally done by the same place for a very long time. Ask them to explain, why they didn't replace the worn-out accessories belt?
    Which would prevent the damage to your engine.

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  6. #16
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    Unfortunately the belt itself isn't entirely the problem.

    The design of the lower cover isn't adequate for the job.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Umai Naa!! View Post
    The robustness kit only applies to the Amarok at this stage.
    I had my robustness kit installed last year when I had my timing belt done, on my T5. The dealer rang me up and said we recommend you have this installed as a extra, seeing as it was already having the belt and water pump done.
    Cost me a extra $480 .
    This tells me Vw know about this issue.

    My kit included covers and beefed up other components, I was told, I think Pulley and guides are more robust.

    Sent from my HTC_0PJA10 using Tapatalk
    Last edited by REVHE4D; 05-03-2016 at 08:33 AM.
    2011 T5 4MOTION Duel Cab Optioned up.

  8. #18
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    Sounds like VW new about the problem and told dealers to inform customers of an upgrade but slugged the customers for their own design flaw , as was pointed out elsewhere seems VW use their customers to test their products . I saw a report in todays Cars Guide in the paper about timing belt failures in a certain car , as they said if you have a chain driven timing system then the worst that could occur would be a slipped link resulting in a lumpy idle . Rubber Timing belt failure and bingo there goes pistons valves all in one almighty smashem up derby . I know our old T5 is a chain driven and it seems more noisy but at least I can be financially better off over time not having to worry about failure and changing it every 90.000 From what I have read about it's not so much the belt failing but the result of the failure will mean the belt gets dragged into some area of the engine which then does the damage , So for the dealer to offer the Robust Kit would not stop a belt from failing just stops it from doing more damage if the belt were to fail . VW should fit this part free of charge because if they have the kit its an admission of a mistake in design in the first place .
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 05-03-2016 at 01:35 PM.

  9. #19
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    Makes me feel like we have all become Beta testers. And we are paying for the privilege.

    Sent from my HTC_0PJA10 using Tapatalk
    2011 T5 4MOTION Duel Cab Optioned up.

  10. #20
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    Agree with you about being testers VW made a similar mistake thinking the auto's on the first T5's never needed servicing and compounded the problem by putting the filter inside . By 2010 they built a new auto and the filter was placed on the outside and they decided after all that they did need to be serviced every 60.000 makes you wonder .

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