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Thread: 2007 T5 Multivan Front Heater fan squealed but has now stopped working altogether

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    2007 T5 Multivan Front Heater fan squealed but has now stopped working altogether

    I haven’t been on this site for a long time which means everything has been working as it should, until now……………….

    The front heater fan started squeaking/squealing this winter. We really only use the fan on the lower speeds and this where the squeal was most noticeable. Squeal seemed to disappear when the fan was on higher speeds. The fan has now stopped working altogether. It does not work on any speed.

    The van has dual zone climate control set up.

    What I’ve done so far:
    - Fuses checked and all OK
    - Rear and side fans work perfectly
    - I have pulled apart the left hand side dash to gain access to the fan assembly. But as yet I have not pulled out the 6 or so screws to remove the fan unit.
    - I can see the resistor unit attached to the fan assembly
    - Checked prices on potential parts that need replacing (see below), was shocked but have now calmed down just enough to continue as it’s cold here in Canberra and I’d like to get my heater working again.

    I need to determine if it’s the resistor or the fan and hopefully it’s not both.

    Before I remove the fan unit can someone please advise me on the best way to test and determine which part is at fault and requires replacement.

    I’m not a 100% sure about what to do as I’m no electronics whiz but as the fan squealed at lower speeds but seemed to work normally on high speeds so I’m leaning towards the resistor unit being at fault.

    I’m hoping for some kind of advice along the lines of safely bypassing the resistor just to see if the fan motor works properly which should mean the resistor is cactus.

    Any advice is welcomed.

    Has anyone experienced this problem before? Is it a common problem and what was the fix.


    VW Part number information based on my Vin Number

    Dealer Prices - Canberra

    Fan Assembly (includes plastic shroud cannot buy just the fan motor separately)
    Part No 7H6 820 021

    Fan Resistor/Regulator (not part of Fan Assembly)
    Part No 7L0 907 521 B

    Pollen Filter
    Part No 7H0 819 631 A

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Brisbane QLD
    Users Country Flag
    if the resistor had gone it would still work on full speed...drop out the fan unit itself and you might find that the centre bearing is rusty and check for free movement of the fan...think you will find its seized up....replacement fan...if its not seized up check the main power and earth to the fan...VDUB...think you will find to rusty and seized mate..
    9W2 BT KITS -$300 - 9W7 BT KITS - $450 - CANBUS UPGRADE $150

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    I have had a similar problem and I fixed it myself , the first time I pulled it out I saw how the fan blade is pressed onto the main shaft making it impossible to get to the brushes etc , so I rang VW and got the shock they wanted nearly $600 for the fan bugger that for a joke . So removed it a second time and then drove the shaft out of the fan which gave me the access to the brushes which was what was the problem they were worn and not making enough contact with the armature shaft . So I put the shaft into a cordless drill and then using some wet and dry paper cleaned up the surface till it was nice and clean [make sure to clean between each segment with a sharp needle after this ] then I resurfaced the brushes and checked the bearings and reassembled it . It is working just like new now and I am very happy , I will admit that I will need to replace the carbon brushes one day but as the rotters at VW do not sell them I can get some other ones and cut and fit them . Now as a matter of interest the exact same fan can be bought from a Chinese company who probably make them for VW in China and guess what the cost ? around $10 - $30 each !! but the down side you need to buy a minimum of 100 to get that price . Makes you wonder how much we are being taken to the cleaners on parts here .Link here to see what I mean 8d1 820 021a For Vw Heater Dc Blower Fan Motor With Wheel - Buy Blower Motor,Heater Blower Fan Motor,Blower Fan Motor Product on PS if you are doing it yourself big tip dismantle it on a large white surface as there are two tiny springs holding the brushes in place they can be tricky to get back into place patience is required , and if you let them get loose while fitting you want to be able to see where they fly to .!!
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 31-07-2013 at 01:21 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Thread Starter

    Firstly thanks for the replies

    Dropped fan out (but left it connected), turned on heater and fan but nothing happened, gave the fan a bit of assistance to get started and it worked. Fan/shaft seemed a little stiff but not rusted up or passed its use by date.

    Took fan motor out of its plastic shroud and with an air compressor blew out the accumulated fluff, dust etc and it freed up somewhat. Hooked it back up turned on the fan and it started straight up and worked without noise.

    Got stuck into cleaning it and lubricated the end bearings with some spray followed by some sewing machine oil and freed up some more. Did this a few more times with the air gun turning the fan to increase the chance of the oil penetrating. I didn’t disassemble the actual fan motor when doing this.

    Tested and reinstalled it and the it’s working (quieter than ever).

    Despite being a 2007 model the van only has 60,000kms on it so the fan motor hasn’t had that much use and I’m now hoping it lasts a while longer.

    Sunny43.5 – your right the fan motor is not ‘worth’ anywhere near $590. Once you take it out of the VW specific plastic shroud it’s just a basic fan motor, it’s most likely not VW specific and as long as you could match the specifications, dimensions and fan blade size there should be other options out there for considerably less money than the outrageous official VW asking price, either that or the VW specific plastic shroud costs $500!


    2007 Multivan Highline 4 Motion, 6spd manual

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Thanks for the update its good to see you had a go yourself and fixed it also I am glad you see the injustice in the price charged for what is as you described a simple motor in a plastic housing , as a matter of interest I just replaced an inbuilt vacumm cleaner motor and believe me it was more robust and powerful and built from all metal parts at a small cost of around $198 .


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