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Thread: 2007 Multivan Door Latch

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Chelmer, Queensland
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    2007 Multivan Door Latch

    The driver side internal door latch disconnected from the mechanism today (or broke). If it was my old 74 suitcase, I could pull the door card off in a couple of minutes & investigate, but how do you dismantle a Multivan door? Has anybody got any schematic I can use or the like?

    Thanks, John

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    I may be able to help , first the pull handle on the top of the door trim you need to remove the top cap there are two screws holding the handle then half way down the in the middle of trim just under the armrest bit one more screw . Also right under the bottom of the trim some more screws . Next bit is a bugger there are a series of trim clips holding the rest of the trim to the door skin . You need to get your fingers behind the edge and pull the trim off they are well made and hold quite well . Now then you have to lift the whole trim up to release the top from the edge of the body . The wire harnesses are connected to the switches or remove the switch itself and tuck it through the hole . the actual door release is a plastic part that is held to the back of the trim with a small sort of circlip thing you can release the cable holder part and the cable end comes away easily . Hope that helps .

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sounds exceptionally clear & workable. Thanks.

    Not all that different from a type 3, conceptually speaking - ha!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    door lock removal
    How to remove Door Lock and Assembly Carrier - The Brick-yard

    How to remove Door Card/Trim - Pics - The Brick-yard

    there might be a few other posts there that are helpful
    04 T5

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Gooder and gooder. Thanks.

  6. #6
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    Been off my feed the last few days so didn't get a chance to look at the door until now. I have an issue.

    My door card does not look like the one in the "how to remove door card" page. The top capping appears to be of two pieces that join at the scallop behind the pull handle, which is of one piece. It looks like I would have to drop off the rear or both of these capping pieces to get at the screws.

    Is that what you were saying, Sunny?

    Somewhere I have a set of plastic vehicle panel pry bars, so that shouldn't be a major issue. I'm just concerned that there's such a major difference between my 2007 & those 2008 shots.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    If you look at those photos the third shot shows the cap off of the handle removing it will reveal the two screws the next shot shows the rest of the handle still attached to the trim you can see the holes where the screws are I don't think any of the other models are different .

  8. #8
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    Can't make the FAQ instructions for posting images work, so see if you can see this image:

    As you can see, it just ain't the same panel setup. It looks like I need to remove the whole capping to get to where the screws hopefully are.


  9. #9
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    Aha! This is the bugger, or something close to it: IMG_1955_zps613f9566.jpg Photo by mat_walker | Photobucket

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    OK, I popped the front top cap off & the one covering the door latch. The cable is still hooked onto handle which is in good order, which I guess means that something is amiss on the lock itself or the lock end of the cable. Before I pull the whole card off, how is the cable attached to the lock? I'm reluctant to drop the whole card off and presumably the cover plate on the door before I check out If & what I'll need at Austral Spare Parts.

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