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Thread: 2007 Multivan 125000k - what might need tweaking

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Chelmer, Queensland
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    2007 Multivan 125000k - what might need tweaking

    I'm happy enough with my 5 pot diesel van & can't see the point replacing it seeing the T6 4motion is only being offered in the Highline at more body parts than I can afford to lose.

    Action Transmissions here in Brisbane have washed out the auto box & given it a clean bill of health but if I'm going to stick with this girl what is likely to need servicing or replacement to keep it as bulletproof as can be for a while longer?

    Also I'm getting a tad old & cautious to do most work myself so any recommendations for service work in Brisbane would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    External cooler for the tranny would be one option , also did they replace the "filter "inside the box as most VW dealers will not remove the sump . After parting with $600 plus for an auto service from a VW dealer the filter was left untouched , flushing will not clear it so ours was then worse after and self destructed .

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Definitely cracked the sump off & did the filter. I agreed to a sacrificial refill being run through to flush because what came out didn't look too flash at all. Action is an auto box facility, not a dealership.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
    Glad to hear that pity VW aren,t as good as independant's can be , just be aware off any strange things after flush as there were some reports that flushing the system can remove particles that accumulate around the valve bodies , which can lead to some problems as well . Yes as silly as it sounds its the old story damned if you do and damned if you don't . I also agree I was quoted $45 k for an absolute base model one T6 in auto . I love the vans it's just some things seem wrong price of purchase repairs and don't mention resale value it hurts too much .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    coolant replacement, every 5 yrs
    brake fluid replacement, supposed to be every 2 yrs
    disks most likely need replacement if they haven't been done, may be under wear limit
    check alt/aircon freewheel drive couplings, think replacement around 150K-180K

    T5 FAQ and How to THREAD (up to August 2009).
    04 T5

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    ...and keep an eye on that internal water pump by checking the coolant level on regular basis.

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