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Thread: 2005 T5 Shudderring at take off

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016
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    2005 T5 Shudderring at take off

    My 2.5L AXE manual 4motion seems to be shuddering when taking off in first gear or reversing so much so that i have to push the clutch in to make it stop and try taking off in reverse or going foward again!! Has anybody had anything similar happen? Its got 207,000 km on it and im getting worried the clutch may be going! I have spent alot on it already and if im looking at a new clutch and a new turbo (250,00km replacment?) I might look at an upgrade to a T5.1!!!

  2. #2
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    Another thing i have, is the van spits out a puff of white smoke everytime i start it up!! Is this common? It has no DPF so i am used to black smoke when revving through gears, but white smoke?

  3. #3
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    Try releasing the chlutch pedal bit differently than you are used to. Or do just a few quick take offs.

  4. #4
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    Why do you say that Transporter? I only ask because i have had the van for 2 years now and only had this problem for the past 3 months or so?

  5. #5
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    Sometimes when driver releasing clutch not exactly the right way (no offence), the pressure plate or/and flywheel surface get contaminated from the clutch disc friction material. By letting the clutch pedal off quicker the contaminants get dislodged.

    It had fixed my T5 when I had a sore knee and was using the clutch pedal not exactly the right way.

  6. #6
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    Mt Cotton
    Could be early signs of the Dual Mass Flywheel on its way out , its a diabolical piece of engineering designed to smooth out engine harshness ie diesel throb but unfortunately VW stuck the bloody thing in ALL of their manuals petrol as well . Mine shudders on take off if I really put the boot into it uphill , flat ground is ok but reversing up any sort of incline will really cause a shudder . I managed to knacker mine in one attempt to reverse up a hill , pretty poor design if it can be damaged that easily . Anyway if you do a Google search there are some good animations showing how it works this one has crummy dubbing but if you skip to 3.50 seconds you can see how the internal springs absorb the load , unfortunately I don't think the designers really made it strong enough . Reports of the whole thing disintegrating and punching holes in the side of the gearbox housing are around .

  7. #7
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    with the dust and flies in western Victoria
    Clutch may be going. And the DMF as well. It has done over 200,000 after all so one can't expect miracles.

    I'm still on the original clutch in the T4 after nearly 270,000 km and my mechanic and I have already agreed that when the clutch goes then the flywheel will be replaced and the gearbox rebuilt (noisy at idle with clutch out). It is what it is!

  8. #8
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    Okay, well hopefully that isnt the case!!! I also have a knock which i feel comes from the gearbox when changing from 1st to 2nd....i dont get the knock if i keep the revs at 3000 to 4000 revs before changing!???

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Sound slike a combination of things.

    Worn dampening springs in the clutch disc and dual-mass flywheel, worn splines on the right front driveshaft and stub shaft, and probably a broken front engine mount, too.

    All common things on these.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  10. #10
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    I agree.......the DMF is going so you have to do the clutch too.
    False economy if you don't............not to mention the driveshaft stub axle thing.
    I have a later model and I just had to do them all between 220k and 300k.
    Now it's like new!
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

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