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Thread: 2001 Volkswagen Caravelle - rear tailgate window trim

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    St Kilda East, Victoria
    Users Country Flag

    2001 Volkswagen Caravelle - rear tailgate window trim


    I was wondering if someone might be able to confirm that the rear tailgate for the 2011 Caravelle has no trim around the back glass panel? Mine doesn't (I am the third owner), and I can see from some of my research other Caravelles in Australia that don't have trim, however I can also see some models do...

    It has been drawn to my attention with the weather warming up that that the metal surrounding the glass is a source of heat in the back of the van (I am currently working through rear air conditioner issues, specifically the directional functional function (feet, face, side window) is not working. Next step is trying to get a control panel to check if this is the source of the issue - at the moment the back of the van is very hot).

    I have included a picture for reference. Any information much appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    St Kilda East, Victoria
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    Sorry typo in header this should read 2011 Caravelle (not 2001) - not sure if this can be amended by admin?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thats how they sell standard Transporters , lots of holes for the surround trim to clip into .Maybe it had a tail end hit and they went the cheap way to replace the whole tailgate with a Transporter one instead of Caravelle .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    St Kilda East, Victoria
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Thanks for the info Sunny, much appreciated. That makes sense, it could also be a lower specification that I have that didn't have the trim come as standard. I had a look at pictures of my 2011 Caravelle on Redbook subsequent to this post and it doesn't appear trim was included...

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