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Thread: 2.5 TDI AUTO TRANS thread

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Sunshine Coast
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebuild View Post
    been a long time since my gearbox was done, but Dave at Automatics of Marion, did some of his own fixes to the box, and i seem to recall him mentioning placing some dowel pins in there to stop certain things from spinning unnecesarily, and wearing out
    Yeah that sounds like the "spinning k2 clutch bush" problem I'm fearing. Sonnax have an upgrade bush, the drama is you have to pull it entirely apart to get to it...

    All fingers, toes and other appendages are crossed all my issues are just the valve body. I would actually think so, as this 3-4 flare is something I created by putting the shift kit in the valve body, and / or the fluid flushes along the way stirring things up.

    Hope so anyway....
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  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Fluid flush / change is what killed ours after the idiots at VW dealership just did the bolt removal to drain and then refilled from the top again in another bolt , the new fluid flushed out all the gunk which then blocked the fluid filter/ pickup at the bottom of the sump which then killed the rest of the internals as it did nt allow the fluid to get through to the moving bits and pieces .

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