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Thread: 2.0TDI Engine - EGR cooler failures

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2021
    Eden NSW

    Considering a 2016 T6 Camper with 42K on it. That's not many Ks for a 5 year old diesel. It has a full service history. I am leaning towards new but am attracted to the savings and lack of waiting time offered by the second hand one.

    Given the issues reported above, and in particular it seems this vehicle has either been sitting around or a lot worse, doing short trips, what about simply biting the bullet and getting a new EGR filter and cooler fitted and figuring that into the overall cost, or do you think that's a bit over-cautious. TIA

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Users Country Flag
    My T5 had an EGR change @ about 280k (I think) and might be due for another one @ over 400k.
    The 2018 Crafter seems to blow them every 140k.
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Hervey Bay QLD
    Anyone have ane experience with the $200 egr valves on ebay?
    Where does one find the OEM part no. for your particular model?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    Users Country Flag
    I own a 2011 Tiguan 2.0 Tdi... It used 2 litres of oil with a recent (2400km) trip... Most of that oil ended up on my trailer behind the vehicle

    I've been under the vehicle and removed the belly plates... The oil seems to come from somewhere behind the engine, under the DPF... This is where the EGR cooler sits... The leak does not seem to come from the turbo oil supply/return lines...

    Could a faulty EGR cooler cause this amount of oil leak? I did not use/loose a drop of coolant, just oil...

    For me to try and pin point the leak, I will need to remove the DPF, which is a HUGE task (drop sub-frame and remove driveshaft)... And only then I would be able to see what parts I need...

    If I know for sure it could be the EGR cooler, then I could buy one before I start to strip...

    Vehicle has 185k km.

    Any suggestions as to a replacement EGR cooler ?


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Albion Park, NSW
    Hi My T5 Engine number is CFC064572 on the ERG plate has an A at the end and mine is the twin turbo 132Kw MY12 model. Is that still classed as a CFCA motor?
    Thanks Nick
    Last edited by nickxvw; 28-01-2023 at 08:48 PM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Users Country Flag

    Yes it is nick.
    2014 T5 132Kw Twin Turbo, 2016 "D" Suffix EGR Cooler, 4 Motion, 7Spd DSG + Diff Lock, Frontline Camper.

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