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Thread: 1997 2.5 petrol caravelle no spark

  1. #1

    1997 2.5 petrol caravelle no spark

    I bought this caravelle recently and I have been experiencing some juddering when under load.It was as if it was travelling over a rippled surface.I came home and parked on the drive which has a slight incline and it cut out before turning it off.Generally it ran rough with vibration through the body of the vehicle when it was parked on an incline but no vibration when on the flat.It will not start now and there is no spark out of the coil pack.
    The coil pack was replaced recently but a second good unit was tried,relay 30 replaced,all fues intact,replaced ht leads,checked all wiring,hall effect unit checked.The garage is suspecting the ecu but it is not a plug and run job because of the immobiliser.
    Has anyone got any experience or any suggestions please?.Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
    Users Country Flag
    Where are you? Update your location, makes it easier to help you.

    Have you looked at the rotor arm in the dissy? and the cap?

    I have an ecu you can try if you are nearby. I can also code it to fit your car.

    I would expect the car to start or splutter if its the ecu, completely dead suggests something else to me.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  3. #3
    Rotor arm and cap new.I am in the United kingdom so that limits things some what.Petrol powered t4's are quite rare over here but more common in Australia am I right?.It did splutter today may be on one cylinder but it was an isolated thing.Have you any knowledge of the immobiliser and potential problems?.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Perhaps, the distributer has a intermittant short circuit fault on the low tension side?

    How is the ECU Plug connection to the coil?

    Given that it is lack of spark related, this rules out a faulty fuel pump.



  5. #5
    Hi Scott
    The plug on the coil looks ok but I believe there can be a problem with broken wires inside the insulation.I have removed the plug and tested the 3 wires going to the distributer while wiggling it round to test for dodgy connection's.I have 2 at 12v with the ignition on but not cranking and the 3rd being the earth.The garage says there is no signal coming out of the ecu when tested on the oscilloscope.Most people do not seem to have problems with the ecu but wiring faults,it may be a first.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
    Users Country Flag

    should be untold places that can fix that in the UK.
    VWs are much rarer over here.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737


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