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Thread: 180k km service for VW T5 2009

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    180k km service for VW T5 2009

    My T5 has a whining noise coming from the engine bay that is consistent with the rpm's ( If I give it a bit of throttle the sound gets slightly louder). I believe it may be a belt or something along those lines.

    I had a look at the 180k km service and it states "elastic drive coupling and freewheel for the alternator drive and air conditioning drive are replaced". My van is at about 172k km's now and that sounds like what my problem could be.

    From what I've gathered, the parts I require are; 1 alternator freewheel and a elastic coupling, 1 AC freewheel and elastic coupling. Is this correct?

    I'm looking at changing it myself so I need some part numbers for OEM spares. Has anyone done this themselves? How long did it take?

    T5 2009 BPC Auto box


  2. #2
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    You can do them without pulling the whole front off the van like a lot of guys do.

    You need to pull the front engine mount out, including the bracket (it doesn't support the motor, just limits the fore and aft movement while driving), then work your way up, removing the A/C compressor (don't de-gass it, just swing it out of the way, but don't hang it off it's hoses), etc.

    Worst part of it is working above your head, and mostly by feel.

    Also factor in getting the pulley removal spline socket. I grabbed one off eBay for about $15 from memory.

    Part number for the couplings is 070903327D, and freewheel hubs is 070903201E. You may have to confirm with VW on these, based on your VIN.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    It's a bit of a job, check The Brick Yard for How To's. A bit of a tip - don't put it off too long to get it fixed.
    When the a/c freewheel seizes it can cause damage to the compressor, also check the alternator for bearing
    and brushes wear while it's off. If replacing alternator or compressor with new ones they come with freewheels.

    BTW - how's the air suspension going ?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Umai Naa!! View Post
    You can do them without pulling the whole front off the van like a lot of guys do.

    You need to pull the front engine mount out, including the bracket (it doesn't support the motor, just limits the fore and aft movement while driving), then work your way up, removing the A/C compressor (don't de-gass it, just swing it out of the way, but don't hang it off it's hoses), etc.

    Worst part of it is working above your head, and mostly by feel.

    Also factor in getting the pulley removal spline socket. I grabbed one off eBay for about $15 from memory.

    Part number for the couplings is 070903327D, and freewheel hubs is 070903201E. You may have to confirm with VW on these, based on your VIN.
    Do I require 2 of each part? Are they identical parts for both the AC and alternator?

    Quote Originally Posted by Syncrotek View Post
    It's a bit of a job, check The Brick Yard for How To's. A bit of a tip - don't put it off too long to get it fixed.
    When the a/c freewheel seizes it can cause damage to the compressor, also check the alternator for bearing
    and brushes wear while it's off. If replacing alternator or compressor with new ones they come with freewheels.

    BTW - how's the air suspension going ?
    I've tried to search up some DIY's for this service, but couldn't find any on brick yard or vwt5forum. Although I do have elsawin handy which I'll have a look through.

    The air suspension is going good, it has been working well everyday when I hop in. Will probably be coming out towards the end of the year though, as the van is about to hit 5 years on the business. Hoping the new T6 van is released by then, otherwise I'll hold onto the T5 a bit longer.

  5. #5
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    Yeah, you need two of each, and deep pockets.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    If you search Brickyard for "Gatesectomy" or try this -
    you should get some info.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syncrotek View Post
    If you search Brickyard for "Gatesectomy" or try this -
    you should get some info.
    Thanks mate. Good info!

    Went down to VW today and got a quote for 2 freewheels and 2 couplings. $1033!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I'd run those part numbers through eBay

    A lot cheaper on there.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thank God for Ebay I now use it a hell of a lot not only for VW parts but for my work as well . I fit sunroofs and also do repairs bought some Genuine BMW sunroof parts recently , Australian local BMW price nearly $700 delivered from the US genuine BMW $265 with a bit of research once you have the part number its plain sailing .

  10. #10
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    Jun 2012

    Last ones I used were from Eurocarparts UK, - Ina Freewheel Clutch (same as OEM) Part No.: 425440240
    (kit with both freewheel and rubber coupling) - £81.60 - roughly AUD$145. X 2 = $290.

    If it is the compressor one, you could take the coupling off and not have a/c for a while until parts
    arrived from UK, to save costs if need to.

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