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Thread: Looking for a good one.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    far side South Oz

    Looking for a good one.

    The time has now come to start looking for a 2 year old caddy. There are a stack of 4 year old ones around but with average 130k I would think there is trouble brewing. Is this true?
    An idea I do have is that with the upgrade arriving around March next the prices should be dropping for 2 year olds. Am I on track.

    If this is right then I might something cheap for around 9 months then buy a later Caddy at lower price than they are now.

    Your thoughts and ideas. What do I need to look out for ?

  2. #2
    Guest1306 Guest
    You can buy a new 1.9TDI Manual for $23,990 Drive Away

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    far side South Oz
    Thread Starter

    Yep and I'll drive away a new DSG for even less in six months time


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