Either get under the dash and disconnect it yourself leaving an airbag light on, or go to a VW dealer and fill out a tonne of paperwork and they will disable it for you.
Hi, I have just started working with a new company and they have given me a 2013 Caddy. I have a little boy that I need to pick up from school on the odd occasion and was just wondering if there is anyway I can disconnect the passenger airbag. In the models sold overseas there is a switch located in the glovebox that can simply be switched off, due to strict regulations in Australia, this switch and light have been removed.
can anyone help.
Either get under the dash and disconnect it yourself leaving an airbag light on, or go to a VW dealer and fill out a tonne of paperwork and they will disable it for you.
I think you will find its illegal to disable airbags Its also illegal to put kids booster seats and capsules in front seats of a vehicle in some states
I remember someone with a Troopy got caught and fined for having kids under 7 in the front seat. Was the only seat but still got done for it.
Think it was because didn't have correct type restraints
Last edited by Guest001; 02-03-2014 at 07:36 AM.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
Not illegal to disable with the correct paperwork, however it illegal to have minors in the front seat as mentioned.
By rights, anyone fitting a baby seat to the car should be getting the side airbags disabled as well.
Far better to use a vehicle with a back seat and save all the trouble. Also I would ask your employer how they feel about you doing that.
As others will doubtless sit in the seat the owner will be liable should you have a prang and a head goes through the windscreen because the bag is disabled.
Definitely not the wisest thing to do in the light of legalities and insurance responsibilities
In saying all this you should have a read here and really should have asked them the questions to get the correct answer as what we post is an opinion not necessarily fact.
Last edited by Guest001; 02-03-2014 at 07:37 AM.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
Even baby seat's in the backseat should have the airbag disabled. :p