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Thread: Getting radio out of dashboard?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Sydney, NSW

    Getting radio out of dashboard?

    Hi Folks

    How do you remove the dashboard trim to get the radio unit out? Just bought a used Caddy today and the stereo not working...

    ta, Tobot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Users Country Flag
    very easy mate. its on 6 clips from memory. start by unclipping it right at the bottom and make your way to the top, dont put too much force on the plastic, its rather flimsy and could break. just take your time and it will pop off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Sydney, NSW
    Thread Starter
    Bewdy, thanks. It's always a bit of a mystery when you can't see any visible fixings!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sydney NSW
    Users Country Flag

    As said, there are 6 clips that holds the surround on.

    Start at the bottom. You need a very broad wedge which you insert between the surround and the dashboard. You need to push the wedge upwards. Start at the outside and if you find too much resistance, move closer towards the centre. You will know when you are in the right place as the wedge will go in much more easily. The spot is around 30 mm in from the sides and it will "pop" each side out.

    Slowly work your way up to the middle ones on each side. Don't rush.

    Lastly, work your way up to the top ones.

    Then there is the next hurdle. The screws that hold the radio in are Torx head screws, which means you will need a special screwdriver. The tip size is T20 if you nees to get one.

    To fully remove the radio, there is the CANBUS plug which has like a basket handle that you have to lift to release the plug. If you simply try and pull it out, you will break it. There is also the FAKRA connector for the aerial. There is a tab on the top that you first slide back and then you can unclip the plug.

    There is a Youtube video that is on the thread about the ANS510 being a true replacement for the RNS510.


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